Many guys struggle with this when it comes to texting and dating – Asking a girl out via text.
By now, a lot of you have had experience asking out a girl in person.
However, asking a girl out via text is much easier and much more low
The ultimate goal in texting is to always meet up with the girl
you’re interested in. The way that you invite a girl out shows how
comfortable you are with yourself and comfortable around women.
Remember, through your texts, you should be portraying that you’re a
high-status man and that asking someone out is no big deal.
Planting the Seed for Meeting Up:
One of the best ways to make any hangout or date low-key is to “plant
the seed” of a hang out before an invite is ever offered. By texting
her in this way, you’re able to gauge how much intrigue you’ve created
in her.
For example… Instead of texting a girl “what are you doing Thursday?”
or “We should hang out Thursday,” you can simply imply or “plant the
seed” of a hang-out on Thursday night. A better example of “planting the
seed” would be “Do you like long islands, laughing your face off, and
great company?”
You want to make any implied plans seem so fun that she would be crazy to not say yes.
Invite Her to Something You’re Already Doing:
If the girl that you’re interested is in her late teens and 20s, odds
are she’s being hounded by guys to hang out on a one-on-one basis. To a
lot of girls, this screams “trouble.” However, you can cut through a
lot of objections to getting more hangouts by simply making plans with
friends, and then inviting her (and her fun friends) to meet up with you
Keep in mind that even though you’re an awesome guy that does fun
things in his life, just because you two exchanged numbers doesn’t mean
that she ever has to hang out with you. There’s no social contract that
says you have to hang out with every person that has your phone number.
So, when you do send the invite, you want to do it in a fun way, and
you want to imply that you’re doing a fun activity with your friends
whether she goes or not. This way, even if she flakes, you still have
your friends there and you’re still gonna have a fun time.
Your best bet is to phrase your invite along the lines of this:
“Hey there, sugar lips, I’m gonna be going to (activity) with some
friends tonight, if you promise not to embarrass me, you can come and
bring a couple friends :)”
Simple, fun, and non-committal.
If you want more examples of how to get more hangouts, check out Race’s new book “Text That Girl!” today!
Eliminate Your Fear Of Approaching Women, The Secret Tricks To Virtually Eliminate ALL Rejection From Women, Proven Lines That Help You Get The Girl Every Time, The Right Way To Ask A Girl Out On A Date!
Text That Girl- Why Has She Stopped Responding and How to Get Her to Respond
You did the groundwork and you got her number, you sent her an
awesome first text that captured her attention and engaged her emotions,
and now you’ve been texting on-and-off for a few days now…
All of a sudden, you send her a text…
You send another…
You wait for hours…
Still nothing.
Frustrating, isn’t it?
I’ve been there!
It happens to the best of us.
Now, the important thing to remember if and when this happens is to not take it personally. So many guys will confront a girl, hounding her for an explanation. Others will internalize it all and blame themselves. However, there could be literally hundreds of reasons why she hasn’t responded:
All of a sudden, you send her a text…
You send another…
You wait for hours…
Still nothing.
Frustrating, isn’t it?
I’ve been there!
It happens to the best of us.
Now, the important thing to remember if and when this happens is to not take it personally. So many guys will confront a girl, hounding her for an explanation. Others will internalize it all and blame themselves. However, there could be literally hundreds of reasons why she hasn’t responded:
- She’s busy at work
- Her phone is dead
- She had a family emergency
- She literally forgot to text back
- You texted too much, too soon:It goes without saying, but sometimes we get so excited about getting a cute girl’s number that we, without realizing it, over-text them. In the early stages of the interaction, remember – less is more. Your goal of the early interactions is to engage her emotions, create attraction, and get her out on a date.The mindset here to adopt is – send it and forget it. Literally set your phone down if you are too tempted to immediately respond. By immediately responding to her messages, you subconsciously give off the vibe that you are sitting around waiting for her messages. Nothing kills attraction faster than being over eager.
- Your texts were too generic and didn’t engage her emotions:Have you ever sent a funny or insightful text, only to get a response of “lol” or “k”? Remember how frustrating it was? As a text master, you will never send these bland, generic texts again. Generic texts will never engage her at her emotional core. Remember – women are emotional creatures, so it is on you to spark her emotions early and often.
- She lost interest in you:This is really a combination of one and two, if you are texting too much, too soon or sending generic one-word texts that don’t engage her emotions, eventually she will lose interest and it will be back to square one…
- Be bold in your texts
- Make sure to mirror her response time and length of text when responding
- Be more descriptive with your language to engage her emotions
- Put your phone down and go do something else after you text her
- Don’t over think things. It’s only been an hour – don’t drive yourself crazy waiting for a response.
Text That Girl- Sending the First Text
What Your First Texts Say About You:
It should be stated that if you’re texting a girl, odds are that other guys are texting her, too. While you want to have zero expectations whether you’re texting one girl or multiple girls, you must separate yourself from the pack and engage her at her emotional core.
You want to convey, through text, that you are a high-status individual, that meeting and talking to girls is nothing new to you, and that you have a fun, non-needy personality that makes every text conversation fun.
So, how do you craft a text message that sets you apart, and makes
her want to hang out with you? In my experience, I’ve narrowed it down
to three elements that will guarantee a response:
The best way to compel her to respond is to ask her a question that requires a fun response. Asking “what’s up” or “what are you doing” is boring, and what most of the guys in her phone book would ask. By simply reframing “what’s up” to “what kind of shenanigans are you getting into,” you make it much more fun and playful…
Adopting a light and playful mentality in your text interactions will transfer from her phone to her emotional brain, compelling her to respond to this and future texts.
In Race’s book “Text That Girl!” he gives several more examples of how to engage her emotions, sets a playful tone, and compels her to respond.
It should be stated that if you’re texting a girl, odds are that other guys are texting her, too. While you want to have zero expectations whether you’re texting one girl or multiple girls, you must separate yourself from the pack and engage her at her emotional core.
You want to convey, through text, that you are a high-status individual, that meeting and talking to girls is nothing new to you, and that you have a fun, non-needy personality that makes every text conversation fun.
However, you don’t want to become her new
text-buddy. Of course, the texting is there so that you will eventually
hang with her in person…
The Best First Texts to Send:
- Engage her emotions, causing her to feel or re-affirm attraction to you.
- Set a fun, playful tone for the future interactions.
- Compels her to respond.
The best way to compel her to respond is to ask her a question that requires a fun response. Asking “what’s up” or “what are you doing” is boring, and what most of the guys in her phone book would ask. By simply reframing “what’s up” to “what kind of shenanigans are you getting into,” you make it much more fun and playful…
Adopting a light and playful mentality in your text interactions will transfer from her phone to her emotional brain, compelling her to respond to this and future texts.
In Race’s book “Text That Girl!” he gives several more examples of how to engage her emotions, sets a playful tone, and compels her to respond.
9 Tips to Keep a Conversation Going
As we all know by now, talking to a beautiful woman who you’ve never
met before is one of the harder things you’ll have to do. In fact, so
much of your energy is put into trying to psyche yourself up to talk to
her, that a lot of the time you get there with nothing to say, leaving
nothing but awkward silence between you after your initial, “Hi.” Never
fear! By following the following tips you’ll be able to avoid those
awful moments of silence.
Tip 1: Improvise with the conversation
One way to quickly end a conversation is by answering any questions she may ask with a simple “yes” or “no”. Instead, you should answer with a longer answer that could lead to more conversation. For example, if she asks what you like, instead of saying something simple like “I like baseball” make it a longer answer like “I like baseball because it reminds me of when my dad used to take me to Yankees games as a kid”. Suddenly, you’ve not only offered a little bit more about yourself (never a bad thing, especially when it shows to the woman you have feelings) but also have opened the conversation up to any amount of avenues.
Tip 2: Show your passion
Nothing gets a girl excited like when a guy is excited about something. So many guys think that pouting and showing their emo face will draw women in by their inherent mystery. But once the girls solve that mystery – and usually there’s honestly no much to solve – they move on. Instead, if a topic comes up you’re genuinely interested in, don’t be afraid to dork out a little and speak passionately about it.
Tip 3: Don’t ask too many questions, instead use statements
It’s common knowledge that women like to speak about themselves a lot, so guys reciprocate this behavior by asking a lot of questions. However, a lot of the rapid-fire questioning can be seen as intimidating and, in a lot of cases, very boring. Instead, once the woman answers a question follow it up with a statement. For example, if a you ask a girl about her pets and she answers that she has two, instead of following up by wondering what their names are, make a statement like “You know what they say, a cat lover is known to be more independent than dog lovers.” This will open not only keep the conversation on her, but also open the conversation to other things.
Tip 4: Forget the facts, use emotions
A common known fact is that women are much more in touch with their emotions than men are, and so it makes sense that this is one of the things that women love to get men to talk about. So when talking about a certain subject like, say, snowboarding, instead of going over the statistics of snowboarding (the various places she’s skied, how good the snow is, how good she is at snowboarding) go ahead and ask her how she feels when she’s snowboarding. This will help open the conversation and show your sensitive side.
Tip 5: Be a careful storyteller
There is a positive and negative to telling a story to someone you’ve just met. On the plus side, since you just met them they don’t know any of your stories and you’re free to tell anything you like (and even embellish them a little, if you’d like). Unfortunately, since they don’t know you, they’re also spending time listening to the story while trying to figure out the qualities of the storyteller. For example, if you mention that you had to “wake up early”, an old friend of yours will brush aside that fact. But someone knew will start to ask themselves, “Why was he waking up early? Does he have an important job in the morning?” As such, make sure to be careful about what details you put into a story. The woman will be trying to read between every line you put out there.
Tip 6: Use the cold reads
Cold reads are when you’re able to know something about someone just by looking at them; think of it like when a poker player “reads” another player at the table. Making an assumption about a girl (ex: “you look like an intelligent girl”) and telling her about it is something you should try. Definitely don’t make it too negative of a read, but by showing the woman you can read and talk about her emotional state, you once again show the softer side of you. Also, it doesn’t hurt that the conversation is once again about her.
Tip 7: Have fun with her
One of the biggest things you can do is tease her a little during the conversation. Use innocent recess-like humor such as high-fiving her and telling her stupid corny jokes. This will show that you don’t have to be serious every waking hour of the day. Instead, she’ll remember you as a fun guy that she’d like to talk to again.
Tip 8: Turn “safe” to “unsafe”
For example, in a conversation about how you’re a dog owner and she’s a cat owner, feel free to say something like “I’ve heard that cat owners and dog owners can’t have a long-lasting relationship with each other, but that doesn’t mean they can’t have awesome sex.” You’ve taken a safe topic (pet-owning) and made it unsafe (about sex). You can really do this with anything. She’ll like this in the same way that a lot of girls are always attracted to the “bad guy”.
Tip 9: Don’t forget your non-verbals
More important than anything you can say are the non-verbal pieces of communication you use in the conversation. Showing that you’re comfortable and confident are a hundred times more important than the actual content of your conversation. At the end of the day, she’s less likely to remember the specifics of what you two were talking about and, instead, more likely to remember that she was talking to a confident man. And one that she wants to talk to again.
>>>Check out Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy and learn how to instantly generate attraction through the way you talk to women.
Tip 1: Improvise with the conversation
One way to quickly end a conversation is by answering any questions she may ask with a simple “yes” or “no”. Instead, you should answer with a longer answer that could lead to more conversation. For example, if she asks what you like, instead of saying something simple like “I like baseball” make it a longer answer like “I like baseball because it reminds me of when my dad used to take me to Yankees games as a kid”. Suddenly, you’ve not only offered a little bit more about yourself (never a bad thing, especially when it shows to the woman you have feelings) but also have opened the conversation up to any amount of avenues.
Tip 2: Show your passion
Nothing gets a girl excited like when a guy is excited about something. So many guys think that pouting and showing their emo face will draw women in by their inherent mystery. But once the girls solve that mystery – and usually there’s honestly no much to solve – they move on. Instead, if a topic comes up you’re genuinely interested in, don’t be afraid to dork out a little and speak passionately about it.
Tip 3: Don’t ask too many questions, instead use statements
It’s common knowledge that women like to speak about themselves a lot, so guys reciprocate this behavior by asking a lot of questions. However, a lot of the rapid-fire questioning can be seen as intimidating and, in a lot of cases, very boring. Instead, once the woman answers a question follow it up with a statement. For example, if a you ask a girl about her pets and she answers that she has two, instead of following up by wondering what their names are, make a statement like “You know what they say, a cat lover is known to be more independent than dog lovers.” This will open not only keep the conversation on her, but also open the conversation to other things.
Tip 4: Forget the facts, use emotions
A common known fact is that women are much more in touch with their emotions than men are, and so it makes sense that this is one of the things that women love to get men to talk about. So when talking about a certain subject like, say, snowboarding, instead of going over the statistics of snowboarding (the various places she’s skied, how good the snow is, how good she is at snowboarding) go ahead and ask her how she feels when she’s snowboarding. This will help open the conversation and show your sensitive side.
Tip 5: Be a careful storyteller
There is a positive and negative to telling a story to someone you’ve just met. On the plus side, since you just met them they don’t know any of your stories and you’re free to tell anything you like (and even embellish them a little, if you’d like). Unfortunately, since they don’t know you, they’re also spending time listening to the story while trying to figure out the qualities of the storyteller. For example, if you mention that you had to “wake up early”, an old friend of yours will brush aside that fact. But someone knew will start to ask themselves, “Why was he waking up early? Does he have an important job in the morning?” As such, make sure to be careful about what details you put into a story. The woman will be trying to read between every line you put out there.
Tip 6: Use the cold reads
Cold reads are when you’re able to know something about someone just by looking at them; think of it like when a poker player “reads” another player at the table. Making an assumption about a girl (ex: “you look like an intelligent girl”) and telling her about it is something you should try. Definitely don’t make it too negative of a read, but by showing the woman you can read and talk about her emotional state, you once again show the softer side of you. Also, it doesn’t hurt that the conversation is once again about her.
Tip 7: Have fun with her
One of the biggest things you can do is tease her a little during the conversation. Use innocent recess-like humor such as high-fiving her and telling her stupid corny jokes. This will show that you don’t have to be serious every waking hour of the day. Instead, she’ll remember you as a fun guy that she’d like to talk to again.
Tip 8: Turn “safe” to “unsafe”
For example, in a conversation about how you’re a dog owner and she’s a cat owner, feel free to say something like “I’ve heard that cat owners and dog owners can’t have a long-lasting relationship with each other, but that doesn’t mean they can’t have awesome sex.” You’ve taken a safe topic (pet-owning) and made it unsafe (about sex). You can really do this with anything. She’ll like this in the same way that a lot of girls are always attracted to the “bad guy”.
Tip 9: Don’t forget your non-verbals
More important than anything you can say are the non-verbal pieces of communication you use in the conversation. Showing that you’re comfortable and confident are a hundred times more important than the actual content of your conversation. At the end of the day, she’s less likely to remember the specifics of what you two were talking about and, instead, more likely to remember that she was talking to a confident man. And one that she wants to talk to again.
>>>Check out Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy and learn how to instantly generate attraction through the way you talk to women.
5 Steps to Flirting With Women
If you want to meet, attract, and date more women then you need to
learn how to flirt with women. The best way to do this is learn a few
good flirting techniques and then to go out and practice them. In this
article I will give you a five step process for creating that fun,
flirtatious vibe that women are most attracted to.
1. Get playful
The first characteristic that you want to display to a woman is that you’re playful. This is because women hate getting stuck talking to nervous, cautious, and boring guys. As soon as you demonstrate to a woman that you are fun guy… she will put her guard down and begin opening up to you more.
2. Tease her
A great way to flirt with a woman is to tease her. As you’re talking to her look for an opportunity to make fun of something she is doing. Don’t be mean or cruel, you’re just looking to ‘bust her balls’ about something silly she has done or said.
3. Use physical teases
After you’ve used verbal teasing to let her know you’re flirting with her, you can then begin to physically tease her. Physical teases include making an exaggerated expression as she is telling a story, sticking your tongue out at her, or pulling your hand away when she goes to give you high five.
If these sound childish.. they are meant to. The best examples of flirting are the sort of things you used to do back on the playground in the fourth grade.
4. Keep her guessing
Women love the suspense of not knowing exactly how you feel about them. Once you come right out and tell a girl you like her, the sexual tension that was building between the two of you begins to die down. This is why it is always better to never quite let her know where she stands with you. This idea of push/pull is a powerful technique when flirting with a woman.
5. Escalate the flirtation
Once you’ve established yourself as a fun, flirty type of guy, you must begin taking the conversation to a more sexual level. This is because you don’t want to come across as the “funny friend” or “the flirt”… instead, you want her to begin seeing you as a guy she would like to get intimate with. The best way to do this is become more physical. This means you do things like hold her hand, hold eye contact longer, and get closer to her.
>>>Check out Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy and learn how to instantly generate attraction through the way you talk to women.
1. Get playful
The first characteristic that you want to display to a woman is that you’re playful. This is because women hate getting stuck talking to nervous, cautious, and boring guys. As soon as you demonstrate to a woman that you are fun guy… she will put her guard down and begin opening up to you more.
2. Tease her
A great way to flirt with a woman is to tease her. As you’re talking to her look for an opportunity to make fun of something she is doing. Don’t be mean or cruel, you’re just looking to ‘bust her balls’ about something silly she has done or said.
3. Use physical teases
After you’ve used verbal teasing to let her know you’re flirting with her, you can then begin to physically tease her. Physical teases include making an exaggerated expression as she is telling a story, sticking your tongue out at her, or pulling your hand away when she goes to give you high five.
If these sound childish.. they are meant to. The best examples of flirting are the sort of things you used to do back on the playground in the fourth grade.
4. Keep her guessing
Women love the suspense of not knowing exactly how you feel about them. Once you come right out and tell a girl you like her, the sexual tension that was building between the two of you begins to die down. This is why it is always better to never quite let her know where she stands with you. This idea of push/pull is a powerful technique when flirting with a woman.
5. Escalate the flirtation
Once you’ve established yourself as a fun, flirty type of guy, you must begin taking the conversation to a more sexual level. This is because you don’t want to come across as the “funny friend” or “the flirt”… instead, you want her to begin seeing you as a guy she would like to get intimate with. The best way to do this is become more physical. This means you do things like hold her hand, hold eye contact longer, and get closer to her.
>>>Check out Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy and learn how to instantly generate attraction through the way you talk to women.
Conversation Topics That Keep Her Attention, Charm Her, and Attract Her
You can spend all the time you want on your looks, book reservations
at the perfect restaurant or find the best bar in the area, and make all
of the money you want, but when it comes to charming a woman, it all
comes down to the conversation. Which is why it’s so frustrating when
certain conversations seem to go nowhere, only ending up with large
moments of awkward silence before the two of you go your separate ways.
The problem is that you are focusing on the wrong topics of
conversation. Luckily, it’s an easy fix.
By utilizing the following conversation topics, you’ll be able to attract women by turning good conversations into great conversations.
1. When you were kids…
No matter how old you are, your childhood will always hold a special place in your heart. By opening yourself up and letting the woman know what kind of circumstances you come from, you’ll not only show her your emotional side, but also give her a chance to relate. By opening up the floor for conversation topics about childhood, she will have her own experiences she will want to talk about, allowing her to shoulder a lot of the conversation itself.
2. What you’re passionate about…
This is the easiest topic to use for two reasons. First, it allows the woman to (once again) see your emotional side, something that will only help win her over. Second, it gives you a chance to talk about something you actually enjoy talking about! This will make the conversation float easily, taking the weight off of it. In the same way, after talking about your own passions, steer the conversation in the direction of hers, asking her a lot of questions about what she enjoys doing. Later on when she thinks about the conversation she had with you, she’ll remember it being a lot of fun because she was talking about what she loves.
3. The people surrounding you…
Since this is a woman you’ve spent very little time with, you don’t have a lot of common experiences from which to draw from … except the current experience you’re having. Form a bond with her by discussing your surroundings, whether it be the type of bar you’re currently in, the food in the restaurant, or the people surrounding you. One thing I love doing whenever I’m talking with a woman is making up back stories for the various strangers surrounding us. This puts us in a collaborative mood and allows me to flex my creative side.
4. Her ambitions…
While talking about your current job and your past is all well and good, women put a lot of stock into where the man is going. But even more important than that is getting her to speak about her own future ambitions. This will, once again, steer the conversation in her direction, letting her talk about herself. Also, it will boost the emotional state of the conversation, since no one can talk about their own ambitions without getting a little bit excited about them.
5. Her travels
Travel is always a fun topic, but this is a part where it’s best to step back and let her talk. While the places you’ve traveled could be great, and you could have so many stories from your various adventures, too many of those and it looks like you’re trying too hard to impress her. Instead, start the topic off about travel and then start inquiring about her own stories. This will showcase her various passions, desires, world views, etc. which you can call back later on in the conversation.
6. Your life lessons
While this isn’t necessarily a “topic”, it’s important to shade all of your conversations by asking yourself this question: What lesson has this taught you? By having this depth in every topic of conversation, you are not only showcasing the depth of your own thought (again, something women enjoy finding in men), but also once again spreading the branches of the conversation tree as far as they can go. Instead of just talking about this fight you got into in 5th grade (one topic) you can talk about your various feelings that were going through your mind at the time and the lessons you’ve learned from the fight (many topics). From there, the conversation will expand on its own.
7. Your thoughts on pop culture / current events
If worse comes to worse, use any thoughts you have on pop culture or current events to keep the conversation from falling into any awkward silences. However, don’t use this conversation topic too often or else you will come off as boring and with no depth.
>>>Check out Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy and learn how to instantly generate attraction through the way you talk to women.
By utilizing the following conversation topics, you’ll be able to attract women by turning good conversations into great conversations.
1. When you were kids…
No matter how old you are, your childhood will always hold a special place in your heart. By opening yourself up and letting the woman know what kind of circumstances you come from, you’ll not only show her your emotional side, but also give her a chance to relate. By opening up the floor for conversation topics about childhood, she will have her own experiences she will want to talk about, allowing her to shoulder a lot of the conversation itself.
2. What you’re passionate about…
This is the easiest topic to use for two reasons. First, it allows the woman to (once again) see your emotional side, something that will only help win her over. Second, it gives you a chance to talk about something you actually enjoy talking about! This will make the conversation float easily, taking the weight off of it. In the same way, after talking about your own passions, steer the conversation in the direction of hers, asking her a lot of questions about what she enjoys doing. Later on when she thinks about the conversation she had with you, she’ll remember it being a lot of fun because she was talking about what she loves.
3. The people surrounding you…
Since this is a woman you’ve spent very little time with, you don’t have a lot of common experiences from which to draw from … except the current experience you’re having. Form a bond with her by discussing your surroundings, whether it be the type of bar you’re currently in, the food in the restaurant, or the people surrounding you. One thing I love doing whenever I’m talking with a woman is making up back stories for the various strangers surrounding us. This puts us in a collaborative mood and allows me to flex my creative side.
4. Her ambitions…
While talking about your current job and your past is all well and good, women put a lot of stock into where the man is going. But even more important than that is getting her to speak about her own future ambitions. This will, once again, steer the conversation in her direction, letting her talk about herself. Also, it will boost the emotional state of the conversation, since no one can talk about their own ambitions without getting a little bit excited about them.
5. Her travels
Travel is always a fun topic, but this is a part where it’s best to step back and let her talk. While the places you’ve traveled could be great, and you could have so many stories from your various adventures, too many of those and it looks like you’re trying too hard to impress her. Instead, start the topic off about travel and then start inquiring about her own stories. This will showcase her various passions, desires, world views, etc. which you can call back later on in the conversation.
6. Your life lessons
While this isn’t necessarily a “topic”, it’s important to shade all of your conversations by asking yourself this question: What lesson has this taught you? By having this depth in every topic of conversation, you are not only showcasing the depth of your own thought (again, something women enjoy finding in men), but also once again spreading the branches of the conversation tree as far as they can go. Instead of just talking about this fight you got into in 5th grade (one topic) you can talk about your various feelings that were going through your mind at the time and the lessons you’ve learned from the fight (many topics). From there, the conversation will expand on its own.
7. Your thoughts on pop culture / current events
If worse comes to worse, use any thoughts you have on pop culture or current events to keep the conversation from falling into any awkward silences. However, don’t use this conversation topic too often or else you will come off as boring and with no depth.
>>>Check out Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy and learn how to instantly generate attraction through the way you talk to women.
How to Have Better Conversations with Women
Walking up to a beautiful woman out of nowhere and introducing
yourself is one of the hardest parts of being a man. In fact, it takes
so much out of you that, a lot of the time, you forget the next
important step of the conversation: Actually having something to talk
about. Luckily, if you follow these tips you won’t have a problem
maintaining a conversation with a woman.
Tip 1: Non-Verbals are Important
More than anything else, non-verbal cues are what distinguish a good conversation from a bad one. If you’ve ever seen two people really hitting it off from across the bar, you can tell they’re into each other right away. It doesn’t matter if the actual discussion they’re having is about quantum physics or a debate on the value of the Earnest movies, the fact that they’re into each other is evident with how they move together.
In the same way, when talking to a woman you want to make her feel comfortable and project that you’re a confident man. A great pickup artist once told me that the correct way to approach any girl in a conversation is to have it in your mind that she’s already told you that she’s going to sleep with you later that night. That way, in your head at least, there is absolutely no pressure. Since it’s going to happen anyway (in your head, remember) you can talk about anything you want and can be more comfortable. However, talking in a comfortable pose (remember: non-verbals) can often lead to that fantasy scenario actually coming true.
Tip 2: Talk about your passions
Mystery has said it in the past: “Enthusiasm breeds enthusiasm.” So if you are passionate about something, don’t be afraid to show it. Now, there is a fine line to take here – you don’t want to needlessly steer the conversation into the direction of your passions all the time – but if you happen to start to talk about the stock market, and that’s something you’re truly passionate about, don’t be afraid to show it. Women are always looking for men to show their emotions, and passion is one.
Tip 3: Playground mentality
Go into the conversation with a “playground mentality”, as in, feel free to tell stupid jokes or give her strange high-fives here and there. By using that 3rd grade humor, you’ll get her to feel comfortable in the conversation, which is one of the most important parts. As long as you show her you’re a fun guy – no need to keep a sourpuss on your face like some emo rock star – then she’ll be more apt to want to talk to you again down the line.
Tip 4: Don’t ask too many questions
While women love to talk about themselves – and the easiest way to do this is by badgering them with a bunch of questions – too much can lead to the conversation feeling like an interrogation. Instead, after she’s answered an initial question, feel free to follow that up with a statement.
For example, after you ask her if she has any pets, and she mentions she has three cats, don’t go right into the question about what their names are. Once you found that out, there’s not a whole lot of places to go with the conversation. Instead, say something like “I heard that cat lovers are more inclined to be independent than dog lovers” which will open up the conversation a bit and get her to talk about herself without her feelings like you’re putting her under the hot spotlight of the interrogation room.
Tip 5: Lengthen your answers
When she asks a bit about yourself, try to lengthen the answer a bit instead of just answering the question directly. While there’s a fine art of doing this – you don’t want to give too much away, remember, as that will take away a lot of the mystery surrounding you – it is better to give a longer answer than a shorter one in most cases.
For example, if she asks you what you like, a good answer is not to say “I like baseball.” Instead, answer like this: “I like baseball because it reminds me of the time my dad spent playing catch with me in the yard, building our father-son connection.” From there, the conversation can go into all sorts of places and you’ve also shown your soft side by opening up a bit about your feelings. Win-win!
Tip 6: Use cold reads
The art of cold-reading is important. In it, you use clues from either how she’s standing, what she’s wearing, or what she’s talking about to make correct assumptions about her. It’s going to take some practice, but generally speaking if you’re getting a feeling about a girl, you’re going to be right about it.
For example, if she continues talking about a large amount of ex-boyfriends, tell her that she “seems like the type of girl who has a hard time settling down because she craves too much excitement out of life.” Not only will you show her that you’ve been paying attention this whole time to the conversation, but also now the conversation can once again be about her, a topic no woman doesn’t enjoy.
Learn how to instantly generate attraction through the way you talk to women. >>>Check out Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy
Tip 1: Non-Verbals are Important
More than anything else, non-verbal cues are what distinguish a good conversation from a bad one. If you’ve ever seen two people really hitting it off from across the bar, you can tell they’re into each other right away. It doesn’t matter if the actual discussion they’re having is about quantum physics or a debate on the value of the Earnest movies, the fact that they’re into each other is evident with how they move together.
In the same way, when talking to a woman you want to make her feel comfortable and project that you’re a confident man. A great pickup artist once told me that the correct way to approach any girl in a conversation is to have it in your mind that she’s already told you that she’s going to sleep with you later that night. That way, in your head at least, there is absolutely no pressure. Since it’s going to happen anyway (in your head, remember) you can talk about anything you want and can be more comfortable. However, talking in a comfortable pose (remember: non-verbals) can often lead to that fantasy scenario actually coming true.
Tip 2: Talk about your passions
Mystery has said it in the past: “Enthusiasm breeds enthusiasm.” So if you are passionate about something, don’t be afraid to show it. Now, there is a fine line to take here – you don’t want to needlessly steer the conversation into the direction of your passions all the time – but if you happen to start to talk about the stock market, and that’s something you’re truly passionate about, don’t be afraid to show it. Women are always looking for men to show their emotions, and passion is one.
Tip 3: Playground mentality
Go into the conversation with a “playground mentality”, as in, feel free to tell stupid jokes or give her strange high-fives here and there. By using that 3rd grade humor, you’ll get her to feel comfortable in the conversation, which is one of the most important parts. As long as you show her you’re a fun guy – no need to keep a sourpuss on your face like some emo rock star – then she’ll be more apt to want to talk to you again down the line.
Tip 4: Don’t ask too many questions
While women love to talk about themselves – and the easiest way to do this is by badgering them with a bunch of questions – too much can lead to the conversation feeling like an interrogation. Instead, after she’s answered an initial question, feel free to follow that up with a statement.
For example, after you ask her if she has any pets, and she mentions she has three cats, don’t go right into the question about what their names are. Once you found that out, there’s not a whole lot of places to go with the conversation. Instead, say something like “I heard that cat lovers are more inclined to be independent than dog lovers” which will open up the conversation a bit and get her to talk about herself without her feelings like you’re putting her under the hot spotlight of the interrogation room.
Tip 5: Lengthen your answers
When she asks a bit about yourself, try to lengthen the answer a bit instead of just answering the question directly. While there’s a fine art of doing this – you don’t want to give too much away, remember, as that will take away a lot of the mystery surrounding you – it is better to give a longer answer than a shorter one in most cases.
For example, if she asks you what you like, a good answer is not to say “I like baseball.” Instead, answer like this: “I like baseball because it reminds me of the time my dad spent playing catch with me in the yard, building our father-son connection.” From there, the conversation can go into all sorts of places and you’ve also shown your soft side by opening up a bit about your feelings. Win-win!
Tip 6: Use cold reads
The art of cold-reading is important. In it, you use clues from either how she’s standing, what she’s wearing, or what she’s talking about to make correct assumptions about her. It’s going to take some practice, but generally speaking if you’re getting a feeling about a girl, you’re going to be right about it.
For example, if she continues talking about a large amount of ex-boyfriends, tell her that she “seems like the type of girl who has a hard time settling down because she craves too much excitement out of life.” Not only will you show her that you’ve been paying attention this whole time to the conversation, but also now the conversation can once again be about her, a topic no woman doesn’t enjoy.
Learn how to instantly generate attraction through the way you talk to women. >>>Check out Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy
The Five Deadliest Conversation Mistakes You Make With Women and What to Do About It
Here are the top five ways men murder their conversations with women before they ever even have a chance to create attraction.
Let’s face it…
If you want to create attraction in a woman… you must possess the ability to talk.
You can know all the “secret attraction building techniques” in the world… but if you can’t carry a conversation… YOU GET NO WHERE….
Mistake #1: Breaking the 90/10 Rule When Starting a Conversation
Have you ever noticed that most conversations don’t pick up steam until about 5-10 minutes in?
This is because when you start talking to someone new, especially somebody you do not know yet, they are going to be just as cold inside their heads as you were before you psyche yourself up – making yourself ready to start that conversation.
A conversation needs time to build “conversation momentum.”
The problem most guys face is that don’t ever give their conversations a chance to build that “momentum.”
Most guys expect to hit this “conversation flow” too quickly. And because of this the opposite effect happens… and their conversations just “stall out.”
Well you have to carry the conversation. Be prepared, in the first five or so minutes, to carry the conversation by providing 90, or even sometimes 100, percent of all the content until they get warmed up a little bit.
How do you do that?
Keep talking!
Well the rule is very simple: Just keep talking.
By taking control of the conversation right from the beginning, you allow her time to “warm up” and shift her brain from “receive mode” rather than “give mode.”
You HAVE be prepared to talk 90% of the time for the first 5-10 minutes of your conversations….
Mistake #2: Not Recognizing the Signals a Woman is Giving Them
You have to recognize the signals that women are giving to you so you know whether you have got the right kind of emotional intensity – the right energy – and whether the topics you are talking about are actually even appropriate for this point in the conversation.
How do you do that?
Well, you use your senses. Your eyes and your ears are your best friends. You have got to watch people’s reactions and learn to be able to read them.
You have a good sense of when you are boring her, when she is excited and how she is reacting to you. You just have to make sure you pay attention.
The rule of thumb is when you first start a conversation with someone or with a group of people you want to have a little bit more energy than that group had before you came in.
If you get to recognize where she is at in terms of her energy level, her enthusiasm, her excitement, how her neurology is wired up and lit up, and you can pitch your own energy level to be just slightly above that, you will be sure to be a success wherever you go because you will not be too much and you will not be too little.
Mistake #3: Not Assuming Rapport Right From the Beginning
For the longest time I could never understand why it took so long for me to develop rapport with women… while my friends seem to jump right into it…
And then it hit me…
I was waiting for rapport to happen naturally… they were assuming it.
When you are talking to a woman, even if it’s your first time talking to her… talk to her in the same laid back way you would talk to an old friend.
Most guys do the complete opposite… they talk to a woman in a “stiff, formal” way reserved for strangers…. And this just makes it more apparent that you are a STRANGER. And this puts her guard up. And this creates that uncomfortable “awkwardness” that is devastating to a conversation.
By jumping right into rapport you create a more natural feeling conversation and give her the feeling of “knowing you forever.”
Mistake #4: Going into “Interview Mode”
I know you’ve experienced it… talking to a woman, and feeling like you’re on a job interview.
This is the dreaded “interview mode.”
This happens when you don’t know what to talk about so to keep the conversation going you ask questions like:
What do you do for a living?
What do you do for fun?
Where did you grow up?
What kind of music do you like?
It’s not the questions themselves that kill you… the rapid firing of question after question… and the steady stream of fact based answers that destroy any sort of “chemistry.”
A conversation is supposed to fun vibing back and forth… it’s not supposed to feel like a job interview.
Mistake #5: Letting her “Lead” the Conversation
Most guys are so unsure of themselves when talking to a woman that they look for the woman to give them “approval” or “permission” before they take any lead in the conversation.
And this is DEAD wrong.
The minute a woman realizes you’re looking to her to lead the conversation… her attraction instantly disappears.
Most guys let the woman lead the conversation because they are scared of “pissing her off” or choosing the wrong topic…
But here is the thing…
Women will follow whatever tone you set for the conversation. If you set a fun, flirty vibe… she will follow.
And even if she isn’t interested in the topic you’ve chose to discuss… she’ll still respect you a lot more for taking the initiative.
The Biggest Mistake:
Do you want to know what the biggest mistake men make in regards to their conversations with women?
Not getting help.
Would you believe that 10 years ago it was nearly impossible to find this sort of information on improving your conversations with women? This meant that guys were forced to either struggle forever, or figure it out on their own.
However, you have no excuse… as there is help available. Help that can change your “game” almost overnight. Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy can help you. It’s jam packed with dozens and dozens of specific strategies for creating the right mindset for talking to a woman, getting “in the zone”, making her laugh, creating rapport, keeping a conversation flowing naturally, overcoming “shit tests”, dealing with guys who might be overshadowing you, and most importantly, creating attraction as you talk to her…
This is arguably the most comprehensive “conversation training” you will ever receive. There is no way you can listen to this program and not come away with at least a dozen tips that will change the way you communicate with women …nearly immediately.
>>>Check out Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy and learn how to instantly generate attraction through the way you talk to women.
Let’s face it…
If you want to create attraction in a woman… you must possess the ability to talk.
You can know all the “secret attraction building techniques” in the world… but if you can’t carry a conversation… YOU GET NO WHERE….
Mistake #1: Breaking the 90/10 Rule When Starting a Conversation
Have you ever noticed that most conversations don’t pick up steam until about 5-10 minutes in?
This is because when you start talking to someone new, especially somebody you do not know yet, they are going to be just as cold inside their heads as you were before you psyche yourself up – making yourself ready to start that conversation.
A conversation needs time to build “conversation momentum.”
The problem most guys face is that don’t ever give their conversations a chance to build that “momentum.”
Most guys expect to hit this “conversation flow” too quickly. And because of this the opposite effect happens… and their conversations just “stall out.”
Well you have to carry the conversation. Be prepared, in the first five or so minutes, to carry the conversation by providing 90, or even sometimes 100, percent of all the content until they get warmed up a little bit.
How do you do that?
Keep talking!
Well the rule is very simple: Just keep talking.
By taking control of the conversation right from the beginning, you allow her time to “warm up” and shift her brain from “receive mode” rather than “give mode.”
You HAVE be prepared to talk 90% of the time for the first 5-10 minutes of your conversations….
Mistake #2: Not Recognizing the Signals a Woman is Giving Them
You have to recognize the signals that women are giving to you so you know whether you have got the right kind of emotional intensity – the right energy – and whether the topics you are talking about are actually even appropriate for this point in the conversation.
How do you do that?
Well, you use your senses. Your eyes and your ears are your best friends. You have got to watch people’s reactions and learn to be able to read them.
You have a good sense of when you are boring her, when she is excited and how she is reacting to you. You just have to make sure you pay attention.
The rule of thumb is when you first start a conversation with someone or with a group of people you want to have a little bit more energy than that group had before you came in.
If you get to recognize where she is at in terms of her energy level, her enthusiasm, her excitement, how her neurology is wired up and lit up, and you can pitch your own energy level to be just slightly above that, you will be sure to be a success wherever you go because you will not be too much and you will not be too little.
Mistake #3: Not Assuming Rapport Right From the Beginning
For the longest time I could never understand why it took so long for me to develop rapport with women… while my friends seem to jump right into it…
And then it hit me…
I was waiting for rapport to happen naturally… they were assuming it.
When you are talking to a woman, even if it’s your first time talking to her… talk to her in the same laid back way you would talk to an old friend.
Most guys do the complete opposite… they talk to a woman in a “stiff, formal” way reserved for strangers…. And this just makes it more apparent that you are a STRANGER. And this puts her guard up. And this creates that uncomfortable “awkwardness” that is devastating to a conversation.
By jumping right into rapport you create a more natural feeling conversation and give her the feeling of “knowing you forever.”
Mistake #4: Going into “Interview Mode”
I know you’ve experienced it… talking to a woman, and feeling like you’re on a job interview.
This is the dreaded “interview mode.”
This happens when you don’t know what to talk about so to keep the conversation going you ask questions like:
What do you do for a living?
What do you do for fun?
Where did you grow up?
What kind of music do you like?
It’s not the questions themselves that kill you… the rapid firing of question after question… and the steady stream of fact based answers that destroy any sort of “chemistry.”
A conversation is supposed to fun vibing back and forth… it’s not supposed to feel like a job interview.
Mistake #5: Letting her “Lead” the Conversation
Most guys are so unsure of themselves when talking to a woman that they look for the woman to give them “approval” or “permission” before they take any lead in the conversation.
And this is DEAD wrong.
The minute a woman realizes you’re looking to her to lead the conversation… her attraction instantly disappears.
Most guys let the woman lead the conversation because they are scared of “pissing her off” or choosing the wrong topic…
But here is the thing…
Women will follow whatever tone you set for the conversation. If you set a fun, flirty vibe… she will follow.
And even if she isn’t interested in the topic you’ve chose to discuss… she’ll still respect you a lot more for taking the initiative.
The Biggest Mistake:
Do you want to know what the biggest mistake men make in regards to their conversations with women?
Not getting help.
Would you believe that 10 years ago it was nearly impossible to find this sort of information on improving your conversations with women? This meant that guys were forced to either struggle forever, or figure it out on their own.
However, you have no excuse… as there is help available. Help that can change your “game” almost overnight. Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy can help you. It’s jam packed with dozens and dozens of specific strategies for creating the right mindset for talking to a woman, getting “in the zone”, making her laugh, creating rapport, keeping a conversation flowing naturally, overcoming “shit tests”, dealing with guys who might be overshadowing you, and most importantly, creating attraction as you talk to her…
This is arguably the most comprehensive “conversation training” you will ever receive. There is no way you can listen to this program and not come away with at least a dozen tips that will change the way you communicate with women …nearly immediately.
>>>Check out Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy and learn how to instantly generate attraction through the way you talk to women.
Rules to Follow If You Want to Create a Memorable Date
In everything that we want to achieve, there are rules to be followed
to guarantee our success. We cannot leave our success to chances, we
have to create strategies and follow proven rules to achieve our goals.
It is the same with dating; there are rules to be followed to create a memorable dateand
achieve success in dating. Dating is a crucial stage in finding the
person who could be your lifetime partner so it is best to do the right
things when dating someone.
To make your date a success, you have to create a memorable date that could be remembered with a smile on your face. Here are the basic rules to be followed to succeed in dating:
Be punctual. Time is the most precious possession we have and must be spend wisely. It can be a big turn off wasting someone else’s time by keeping him or her waiting for you. Respect someone else’s time because in this busy world, you have to be grateful for someone who choose to spend time with you. To create a memorable date, you have to observe punctuality. Be on time or appear minutes before the agreed time. First impression do lasts, and if you will leave a bad first impression by keeping your date waiting, it could affect your success with the person you wish to have a good romantic relationship with. Prepare early for your date. Block the scheduled day for your date and make sure it is the only important event for you on that day.
Effectively handle your nervousness. It is normal to feel butterflies in your stomach but you have to control your nervousness and do not allow it to control you if you want to create a memorable date. Too much nervousness can distract you from performing well on your date and you will appear like someone who has low self-esteem and without self confidence which can be a real turn off. Learn to effectively handle your nervousness. Do not feed yourself with negative thoughts; instead of feeling nervous, be positive that everything will turn out well. It can be really helpful to prepare yourself mentally and physically if the date is giving you anxiety, especially if this is the first date. Sleep early, eat healthy and think about beautiful things. If you need to practice in front of the mirror on how you will converse with your date to ease your nervousness then do so. Always think that dating is not something to be scared of, dating is an enjoyable thing to do to get to know the person you like.
Be truthful. Do not complicate things by telling lies just to impress your date. Things like these could backfire and could really get ugly in the end. There are many ways to create a memorable date and impress your date but dishonesty is not one of them. Honesty is the best policy and deceiving your date is not a good thing. Being honest with the person you date means you will also receive honesty from your date. Being true to your feelings and your words makes dating more meaningful. It is nice to be accepted for who you really are.
These rules will surely help you to create a memorable date and achieve success in dating. Discover hundreds of creative dating ideas to make a lasting impression on your date, visit 300 Creative Dates
To make your date a success, you have to create a memorable date that could be remembered with a smile on your face. Here are the basic rules to be followed to succeed in dating:
Be punctual. Time is the most precious possession we have and must be spend wisely. It can be a big turn off wasting someone else’s time by keeping him or her waiting for you. Respect someone else’s time because in this busy world, you have to be grateful for someone who choose to spend time with you. To create a memorable date, you have to observe punctuality. Be on time or appear minutes before the agreed time. First impression do lasts, and if you will leave a bad first impression by keeping your date waiting, it could affect your success with the person you wish to have a good romantic relationship with. Prepare early for your date. Block the scheduled day for your date and make sure it is the only important event for you on that day.
Effectively handle your nervousness. It is normal to feel butterflies in your stomach but you have to control your nervousness and do not allow it to control you if you want to create a memorable date. Too much nervousness can distract you from performing well on your date and you will appear like someone who has low self-esteem and without self confidence which can be a real turn off. Learn to effectively handle your nervousness. Do not feed yourself with negative thoughts; instead of feeling nervous, be positive that everything will turn out well. It can be really helpful to prepare yourself mentally and physically if the date is giving you anxiety, especially if this is the first date. Sleep early, eat healthy and think about beautiful things. If you need to practice in front of the mirror on how you will converse with your date to ease your nervousness then do so. Always think that dating is not something to be scared of, dating is an enjoyable thing to do to get to know the person you like.
Be truthful. Do not complicate things by telling lies just to impress your date. Things like these could backfire and could really get ugly in the end. There are many ways to create a memorable date and impress your date but dishonesty is not one of them. Honesty is the best policy and deceiving your date is not a good thing. Being honest with the person you date means you will also receive honesty from your date. Being true to your feelings and your words makes dating more meaningful. It is nice to be accepted for who you really are.
These rules will surely help you to create a memorable date and achieve success in dating. Discover hundreds of creative dating ideas to make a lasting impression on your date, visit 300 Creative Dates
3 Simple Dating Rules for Men
In the dating scene there are simple rules that men should follow. It
is important to know how to behave on a date. It is best not to pretend
and be yourself on a date but of course there are simple dating rules for men that you should know to avoid screwing up on your dates.
Going on dates with the woman you like is your opportunity to know her more and the opportunity to let her know your good intentions. If you do not behave properly on a date, you may lose the chance to know her more and the chance to have a romantic relationship with her. The following simple dating rules for men can be very helpful to achieve dating success with women.
Dress nicely. Our physical appearance is an important part of who we are. The way you present yourself physically tells something about your personality. In the dating arena, it is important to be presentable so do your best to dress nicely. This will show that you care about your appearance and you also care what she thinks about you.
Learn about the woman you are going to date. It is best to research and ask about the girl you want to date. Just be discrete about it because you do not want her to think that you are spying on her. You just want to know a little something about her to avoid offending her on your date. For instance, if she is an independent woman, then opening doors for her may offend her or she may not like it. She may also insist paying for her meals. But if you are going out on a date with a woman who is not independent, she will appreciate your gesture of opening doors and pulling chairs for her. Of course you have to be prepared to pay for the entire date and pick her up on time.
Do not take your date on places you cannot afford. Do not put yourself in an embarrassing situation and end up asking your date to share to cover the expenses on your date. It is not true that an enjoyable date is expensive. You can have an enjoyable date without spending too much. But of course if you can afford it, there is nothing wrong to plan and spend on an extravagant date.
Following the above mentioned simple dating rules for men can help avoid common dating mistakes. But of course you also have to know how to attract women to ensure that you will eventually create a romantic relationship with the woman you are dating.
Did you know that you can attract women even if you are an average looking guy, not famous and not rich? Find out how to become a woman magnet and be the guy who gets the girl, visit Become an Alpha Male
Going on dates with the woman you like is your opportunity to know her more and the opportunity to let her know your good intentions. If you do not behave properly on a date, you may lose the chance to know her more and the chance to have a romantic relationship with her. The following simple dating rules for men can be very helpful to achieve dating success with women.
Dress nicely. Our physical appearance is an important part of who we are. The way you present yourself physically tells something about your personality. In the dating arena, it is important to be presentable so do your best to dress nicely. This will show that you care about your appearance and you also care what she thinks about you.
Learn about the woman you are going to date. It is best to research and ask about the girl you want to date. Just be discrete about it because you do not want her to think that you are spying on her. You just want to know a little something about her to avoid offending her on your date. For instance, if she is an independent woman, then opening doors for her may offend her or she may not like it. She may also insist paying for her meals. But if you are going out on a date with a woman who is not independent, she will appreciate your gesture of opening doors and pulling chairs for her. Of course you have to be prepared to pay for the entire date and pick her up on time.
Do not take your date on places you cannot afford. Do not put yourself in an embarrassing situation and end up asking your date to share to cover the expenses on your date. It is not true that an enjoyable date is expensive. You can have an enjoyable date without spending too much. But of course if you can afford it, there is nothing wrong to plan and spend on an extravagant date.
Following the above mentioned simple dating rules for men can help avoid common dating mistakes. But of course you also have to know how to attract women to ensure that you will eventually create a romantic relationship with the woman you are dating.
Did you know that you can attract women even if you are an average looking guy, not famous and not rich? Find out how to become a woman magnet and be the guy who gets the girl, visit Become an Alpha Male
Tips to Achieve Success in Dating Women – First Date Tips for Men
You do not want to screw up on your first date. Screwing up on your
first date means you will not get another chance to go out on another
date with the woman you really like. If you want to achieve success in dating women, the following tips can be very helpful.
Good grooming. Physical appearance counts in dating women. You have to appear fresh and you have to smell good. Most women want their date to be clean and presentable so it is important to take a shower before your date. Put attention to your nails, shoes and wear well-pressed clothes. To achieve success in dating women, your appearance and cleanliness are important so present yourself looking fresh and well-groomed to leave a good first impression on your date.
Punctuality counts. Be on time and do not make your date wait. Making a woman wait especially on your first date is not a good thing and it will not leave a good impression on her. You will be regarded as someone unreliable or worse she may think you are arrogant and you do not want that to happen on your first date. It is best to get there earlier than the agreed time and show her that you are excited and looking forward to your date with her. Punctuality counts if you want to achieve success in dating women.
Learn to listen. Most women love to talk so be attentive and listen to what she is saying. You asked her for a date because you want to know her more so avoid talking too much about yourself. Make her feel that you are interested to know her more.
Be a gentleman. Women love to be treated with respect and most women want to feel they are special. You have to remember that if you want to achieve success in dating women. In this modern world, women still want men to open doors for them, pull the chair for them and treat them like princesses. So be a gentleman and treat her nicely not only on your first date but every time you are with her. It is also appropriate and gentlemanly to offer to pay for your date. If she insists to pay half of the cost, then do not resist if it will make her feel good.
Leaving a great first impression on your date can guarantee you of getting another chance to date the girl you really like. It is not that hard to achieve success in dating women if you know what to do.
Did you know that you can attract the woman of your dreams even if you are an average looking guy and even if you are not rich? Learn the art of seducing and attracting women using easy to follow steps and be the guy who gets the girl, visit Become a Woman Magnet
Good grooming. Physical appearance counts in dating women. You have to appear fresh and you have to smell good. Most women want their date to be clean and presentable so it is important to take a shower before your date. Put attention to your nails, shoes and wear well-pressed clothes. To achieve success in dating women, your appearance and cleanliness are important so present yourself looking fresh and well-groomed to leave a good first impression on your date.
Punctuality counts. Be on time and do not make your date wait. Making a woman wait especially on your first date is not a good thing and it will not leave a good impression on her. You will be regarded as someone unreliable or worse she may think you are arrogant and you do not want that to happen on your first date. It is best to get there earlier than the agreed time and show her that you are excited and looking forward to your date with her. Punctuality counts if you want to achieve success in dating women.
Learn to listen. Most women love to talk so be attentive and listen to what she is saying. You asked her for a date because you want to know her more so avoid talking too much about yourself. Make her feel that you are interested to know her more.
Be a gentleman. Women love to be treated with respect and most women want to feel they are special. You have to remember that if you want to achieve success in dating women. In this modern world, women still want men to open doors for them, pull the chair for them and treat them like princesses. So be a gentleman and treat her nicely not only on your first date but every time you are with her. It is also appropriate and gentlemanly to offer to pay for your date. If she insists to pay half of the cost, then do not resist if it will make her feel good.
Leaving a great first impression on your date can guarantee you of getting another chance to date the girl you really like. It is not that hard to achieve success in dating women if you know what to do.
Did you know that you can attract the woman of your dreams even if you are an average looking guy and even if you are not rich? Learn the art of seducing and attracting women using easy to follow steps and be the guy who gets the girl, visit Become a Woman Magnet
Making a Woman Feel Good About Herself – A Helpful Dating Tip for Men
The best way to know a person is through dating. If you like someone
and you want to know her more, it is important to be an expert on the
dating arena. Impressing a woman on a date is essential if you want to
achieve success in attracting women. Making a woman feel good about herself is one tip that men should know to achieve success in the dating scene.
This dating tip is not about you but it is about the woman you date. This is about showing your sincere interest on wanting to know her.
Of course if you are dating a woman, you are hoping for good things about the girl. Unfortunately, you will also discover her flaws or imperfections. It is important not to expect too much and do not expect your date to be perfect to avoid frustrations. Besides, nobody is perfect and you also have your flaws. Too much expectation about the woman you are dating can ruin your date if she did not live up to your expectations.
In making a woman feel good about herself, you have to let her know that her flaws are not a big issue. Make her feel that you are not affected by her imperfections and you are not ashamed dating her. Make her feel that you can both have a nice time together. You can laugh and enjoy with her.
If you are capable of making a woman feel good about herself, you will earn her admiration and respect. You will become a person who will put a smile on her face. Any woman would easily get comfortable with you if you know how to make them feel good about themselves. You will be regarded as someone unforgettable and someone any woman would want to be with.
Of course the reason why you are dating is you want to find someone who will eventually become your girlfriend. This favorable trait of making a woman feel good about herself can lead to a romantic relationship with the woman you really like.
The tip mentioned above is just one helpful tip for men to achieve success in the dating arena. If you want to become the guy who gets the girl, it is important to learn the art of attracting and seducing women. Did you know that you do not have to be good-looking and rich to attract women? Be the man who gets the girl. Discover the complete guide to attract and seduce the woman of your dreams, visit Become a Woman Magnet
This dating tip is not about you but it is about the woman you date. This is about showing your sincere interest on wanting to know her.
Of course if you are dating a woman, you are hoping for good things about the girl. Unfortunately, you will also discover her flaws or imperfections. It is important not to expect too much and do not expect your date to be perfect to avoid frustrations. Besides, nobody is perfect and you also have your flaws. Too much expectation about the woman you are dating can ruin your date if she did not live up to your expectations.
In making a woman feel good about herself, you have to let her know that her flaws are not a big issue. Make her feel that you are not affected by her imperfections and you are not ashamed dating her. Make her feel that you can both have a nice time together. You can laugh and enjoy with her.
If you are capable of making a woman feel good about herself, you will earn her admiration and respect. You will become a person who will put a smile on her face. Any woman would easily get comfortable with you if you know how to make them feel good about themselves. You will be regarded as someone unforgettable and someone any woman would want to be with.
Of course the reason why you are dating is you want to find someone who will eventually become your girlfriend. This favorable trait of making a woman feel good about herself can lead to a romantic relationship with the woman you really like.
The tip mentioned above is just one helpful tip for men to achieve success in the dating arena. If you want to become the guy who gets the girl, it is important to learn the art of attracting and seducing women. Did you know that you do not have to be good-looking and rich to attract women? Be the man who gets the girl. Discover the complete guide to attract and seduce the woman of your dreams, visit Become a Woman Magnet
Attract Women – 3 Little Known Ways to Develop Confidence Around Women
Any man wants to be successful with women and in order to achieve this; you have to develop confidence around women.
Men have the reputation of being brave on almost anything but
unfortunately not all men have the courage when it comes to women. There
are brave men who are shy in front of women.
Ever wondered why men who are not rich and with average looks attract women like magnet? It is because of their confidence. Confidence is one of the qualities that women are looking for in a man, so a confident man is an attractive man. If you want to get noticed by the woman of your dreams, you have to develop confidence around women.
Here are the 3 little known ways on how to gain confidence with women:
Have a positive mindset. Being so negative is not helpful if you want to achieve success with women. Failure is a part of life and it can happen even in dating women, but you will be surprised how a positive attitude can make a difference on your personality. To develop confidence around women, have a positive attitude. Focus on the best qualities you have and always remind yourself that you have great qualities that women will find adorable.
Do not get intimidated by her physical appearance. Most men get intimidated in front of a beautiful woman. It is easier to develop confidence around women if you will not just focus on her looks. Always remind yourself that like you, she is also a human being. Although she looks physically perfect, like anybody else she is not perfect and she also has her flaws. This way you will not be threatened by her looks, you can calm down and can face her with confidence.
Practice. Of course you need to practice if you want to develop confidence around women. Confidence with women is a skill that not all men have and if you want to master it then you have to practice. Grab every opportunity to interact with women to overcome your shyness and you will eventually get at ease around women. Going out or a friendly date with different women is also a good way to overcome your fears.
It is not impossible to develop confidence around women. You have to continuously learn on how to achieve success with women to get the relationship you’ve always wanted. To become irresistibly attractive to women, visit Become an Alpha Male
Ever wondered why men who are not rich and with average looks attract women like magnet? It is because of their confidence. Confidence is one of the qualities that women are looking for in a man, so a confident man is an attractive man. If you want to get noticed by the woman of your dreams, you have to develop confidence around women.
Here are the 3 little known ways on how to gain confidence with women:
Have a positive mindset. Being so negative is not helpful if you want to achieve success with women. Failure is a part of life and it can happen even in dating women, but you will be surprised how a positive attitude can make a difference on your personality. To develop confidence around women, have a positive attitude. Focus on the best qualities you have and always remind yourself that you have great qualities that women will find adorable.
Do not get intimidated by her physical appearance. Most men get intimidated in front of a beautiful woman. It is easier to develop confidence around women if you will not just focus on her looks. Always remind yourself that like you, she is also a human being. Although she looks physically perfect, like anybody else she is not perfect and she also has her flaws. This way you will not be threatened by her looks, you can calm down and can face her with confidence.
Practice. Of course you need to practice if you want to develop confidence around women. Confidence with women is a skill that not all men have and if you want to master it then you have to practice. Grab every opportunity to interact with women to overcome your shyness and you will eventually get at ease around women. Going out or a friendly date with different women is also a good way to overcome your fears.
It is not impossible to develop confidence around women. You have to continuously learn on how to achieve success with women to get the relationship you’ve always wanted. To become irresistibly attractive to women, visit Become an Alpha Male
Tips to Mesmerize Women and Capture Her Heart
Women are sometimes hard to read and some men are left puzzled on how to mesmerize women and
get their attention. Success with women is easy to some men but there
are men who find it difficult to attract women. Here are some tips on
how to charm women:
Mesmerize women with your looks. You do not have to be an Adonis, but you have to make an effort to look your best. Learn to dress properly and find out the clothes that look good on you. Practice good grooming and always smell good.
Mesmerize women with your physique. Staying in shape is important to be attractive. Your shape or figure is an important factor to become irresistible. Avoid fatty foods and eat the right diet. Work out or exercise regularly to tone your muscles and get rid of excess fats. Staying in shape will not only make you look good but it will also make you healthy.
Mesmerize women with your smile. Establish an eye contact and show that sincere smile and you can make any girl smile back at you. Smile is the universal language of friendliness. You can start a social interaction with women with a good sincere smile.
Mesmerize women with your words. Of course to catch women with your charm, you have to know what to say and how to say it. Good communication skills are important if you want to get her attention. A man who is a good conversationalist is an attractive man.
Mesmerize women with your sense of humor. Yo can create a great bond with her if you can make her laugh. If there is no boring moment with you, she will definitely love to be with you and laugh with you. Women cannot forget a man she laughs with.
Mesmerize women with your action. Although they say that chivalry is dead, women still want to be treated like princesses. Be a gentleman and assist her, pull a chair or open the door for her. Showing you care for her with your actions will make her very appreciative of your nice gestures.
Success with women is something that can be learned and you do not have to stay clueless on what turns women on. Discover the step-by-step strategies to be irresistibly attractive to women, visit Become an Alpha Male
Mesmerize women with your looks. You do not have to be an Adonis, but you have to make an effort to look your best. Learn to dress properly and find out the clothes that look good on you. Practice good grooming and always smell good.
Mesmerize women with your physique. Staying in shape is important to be attractive. Your shape or figure is an important factor to become irresistible. Avoid fatty foods and eat the right diet. Work out or exercise regularly to tone your muscles and get rid of excess fats. Staying in shape will not only make you look good but it will also make you healthy.
Mesmerize women with your smile. Establish an eye contact and show that sincere smile and you can make any girl smile back at you. Smile is the universal language of friendliness. You can start a social interaction with women with a good sincere smile.
Mesmerize women with your words. Of course to catch women with your charm, you have to know what to say and how to say it. Good communication skills are important if you want to get her attention. A man who is a good conversationalist is an attractive man.
Mesmerize women with your sense of humor. Yo can create a great bond with her if you can make her laugh. If there is no boring moment with you, she will definitely love to be with you and laugh with you. Women cannot forget a man she laughs with.
Mesmerize women with your action. Although they say that chivalry is dead, women still want to be treated like princesses. Be a gentleman and assist her, pull a chair or open the door for her. Showing you care for her with your actions will make her very appreciative of your nice gestures.
Success with women is something that can be learned and you do not have to stay clueless on what turns women on. Discover the step-by-step strategies to be irresistibly attractive to women, visit Become an Alpha Male
How to Make Yourself Attractive to Women
Men usually think that they need to be exceptionally handsome and
rich to be irresistible to women. They do not know that it is not that
hard to become attractive. It is not about your face, your height or
your money but it is about your whole package that attracts women. You
can make yourself attractive to women through your personality and the real person in you.
Here are some tips to make yourself attractive to women:
Good grooming. You do not have to be a Hollywood star to look nice and attractive. It is all about good grooming. It is important to practice good hygiene to appear clean and smell good. You should also pay attention to your fingernails; they should be clean and short. Shave and have a clean haircut to appear fresh. If you want to make yourself attractive to women you have to appear clean and fresh.
Wear clothes in style. You do not have to wear expensive designer clothes to make yourself attractive to women, but it is important to wear clothes that fit your personality. It is also important that you go with the trend and not get stuck with the same old-fashioned clothes. Ask your sister or a female friend for opinion on what looks good on you and where to find affordable clothes. You will get surprised what women can suggest and you will find out it is not that expensive to dress in style. Clothes in style is not always expensive and there is always a way to work on your budget and still be fashionable.
Chivalry. It is surprising that in this modern dating scene, there are men who seem to forget their manners. If you think chivalry is dead, you are wrong. Girls are still mesmerized on men who are polite and well-mannered. Women love to be treated like princesses and it is very appealing for women to see men who treats women with courtesy and respect. Pull the chair or open doors for her, give sincere compliment about her dress or her looks and listen to her with genuine interest when she is talking. Be a perfect gentleman if you want to make yourself attractive to women.
Accept not only your strong points but also your flaws. It is important that you are confident with your good qualities but it is also important that you are at ease with your imperfections. Being negative because you are not handsome enough, not tall enough or not rich enough is not a good aura. If you want to make yourself attractive to women, it is about carrying yourself well and believing that you are a unique individual. Nothing beats a positive attitude and good outlook in life. Nobody is perfect and even with your imperfections; you are still a great person if you know how to accept yourself and your flaws.
As mentioned, it is the total package that attracts women. You can make yourself attractive to women because attraction is an art that can be learned. Discover proven tips to attract the kind of woman you’ve always wanted visit Become An Alpha Male
Here are some tips to make yourself attractive to women:
Good grooming. You do not have to be a Hollywood star to look nice and attractive. It is all about good grooming. It is important to practice good hygiene to appear clean and smell good. You should also pay attention to your fingernails; they should be clean and short. Shave and have a clean haircut to appear fresh. If you want to make yourself attractive to women you have to appear clean and fresh.
Wear clothes in style. You do not have to wear expensive designer clothes to make yourself attractive to women, but it is important to wear clothes that fit your personality. It is also important that you go with the trend and not get stuck with the same old-fashioned clothes. Ask your sister or a female friend for opinion on what looks good on you and where to find affordable clothes. You will get surprised what women can suggest and you will find out it is not that expensive to dress in style. Clothes in style is not always expensive and there is always a way to work on your budget and still be fashionable.
Chivalry. It is surprising that in this modern dating scene, there are men who seem to forget their manners. If you think chivalry is dead, you are wrong. Girls are still mesmerized on men who are polite and well-mannered. Women love to be treated like princesses and it is very appealing for women to see men who treats women with courtesy and respect. Pull the chair or open doors for her, give sincere compliment about her dress or her looks and listen to her with genuine interest when she is talking. Be a perfect gentleman if you want to make yourself attractive to women.
Accept not only your strong points but also your flaws. It is important that you are confident with your good qualities but it is also important that you are at ease with your imperfections. Being negative because you are not handsome enough, not tall enough or not rich enough is not a good aura. If you want to make yourself attractive to women, it is about carrying yourself well and believing that you are a unique individual. Nothing beats a positive attitude and good outlook in life. Nobody is perfect and even with your imperfections; you are still a great person if you know how to accept yourself and your flaws.
As mentioned, it is the total package that attracts women. You can make yourself attractive to women because attraction is an art that can be learned. Discover proven tips to attract the kind of woman you’ve always wanted visit Become An Alpha Male
Signs to Look For to Find Out If She Likes You
Most men are afraid of rejection and it is natural for men to have
the desire to know if a woman likes him or not before taking the big
step of pursuing her. Are you confused if she likes you or not? Women
are sometimes hard to read but if you know what to look for, it is
easier to find out if she likes you. Knowing what she is thinking about you will give you hints on what to do if you are really smitten by her.
Here are the things to look for to find out if she likes you:
Does she remember important details about you? One way to find out if she likes you is by putting attention on how she keeps in mind the important details about you. You will notice that she put more attention when you talk about yourself. If she remembers your birthday, special occasions in your life and the things that matters to you then you are in the right track and she likes you.
Does she appear nervous or restless when you are around? Of course women also want to make a great impression when the man she likes is around. You will find out if she likes you, if she is too uneasy when you are around. She doesn’t want to commit mistakes and she is very self conscious when you are around.
Have you caught him looking at you and then look away when you want to meet her eyes? Women love to observe the man they like without him knowing and get embarrassed when caught. If you will be more attentive with her non-verbal language, her eyes will tell you something about her feelings. If you want to find out if she likes you, pay attention on how she looks at you.
Does she talks about you? To find out if she likes you, search out her friends and talk to them. If she really likes you, she will talk about you with her friends and you will get surprised that her friends know things about you.
Does she enjoy talking to you? If she makes an effort to have a conversation with you and loves to share stories and anecdotes with you then she likes you. You will notice her body language like occasionally touching you and her undivided attention while talking you. You will find out if she likes you due to her fondness with you when you are having conversations.
Knowing if she likes you will give you more confidence to pursue her and create a lasting relationship. But if she is not into you, do not feel sad because attraction is an art that can be learned. Did you know that you can make women to desire you? Find out how visit Become An Alpha Male
Here are the things to look for to find out if she likes you:
Does she remember important details about you? One way to find out if she likes you is by putting attention on how she keeps in mind the important details about you. You will notice that she put more attention when you talk about yourself. If she remembers your birthday, special occasions in your life and the things that matters to you then you are in the right track and she likes you.
Does she appear nervous or restless when you are around? Of course women also want to make a great impression when the man she likes is around. You will find out if she likes you, if she is too uneasy when you are around. She doesn’t want to commit mistakes and she is very self conscious when you are around.
Have you caught him looking at you and then look away when you want to meet her eyes? Women love to observe the man they like without him knowing and get embarrassed when caught. If you will be more attentive with her non-verbal language, her eyes will tell you something about her feelings. If you want to find out if she likes you, pay attention on how she looks at you.
Does she talks about you? To find out if she likes you, search out her friends and talk to them. If she really likes you, she will talk about you with her friends and you will get surprised that her friends know things about you.
Does she enjoy talking to you? If she makes an effort to have a conversation with you and loves to share stories and anecdotes with you then she likes you. You will notice her body language like occasionally touching you and her undivided attention while talking you. You will find out if she likes you due to her fondness with you when you are having conversations.
Knowing if she likes you will give you more confidence to pursue her and create a lasting relationship. But if she is not into you, do not feel sad because attraction is an art that can be learned. Did you know that you can make women to desire you? Find out how visit Become An Alpha Male
Tips to Become Irresistibly Attractive to Women
Are you wondering why some men attracts women like magnet? Maybe you
think they are handsome, rich and successful but you will be surprised
to know that there are average looking guys who are not rich and yet
they are successful with women. Those men knows how to attract women and
you can also learn how to become irresistibly attractive to women. Here are some tips:
Good posture. A man who stands tall with good posture is an attractive man. Do not slouch but always stand or sit properly. A good posture can make you look confident and it can add to your charisma. Women admire men who are confident. So to become irresistibly attractive to women, always practice good posture.
Be healthy. Men are usually regarded as physically stronger and healthier than women because of their big built and frame. If you are too thin and unhealthy, it will be hard for you to attract the woman of your dreams. To become irresistibly attractive to women, you have to be healthy. Eat a well balanced diet, exercise and take enough rest.
Good grooming. You have to be presentable to become irresistibly attractive to women. Practice good hygiene. Clean nails, hair and skin are important to look good. It is also important to smell good. Shower daily, wear deodorant and not so strong perfume. Choose the right clothes and learn to carry yourself well.
Get rid of bad habits. Although not all women hate smoking and drinking, most women are not attracted to men who have bad habits. Those bad habits may turn women off. It may be okay to drink or smoke occasionally but if it becomes a habit, it may not be helpful if you want to be irresistibly attractive to women.
Be comfortable with who you are. It is important to be comfortable with yourself around women. It is so hard to pretend to be someone you are not and it is easier to just be yourself. Women will feel at ease and comfortable if you are also comfortable with yourself.
Sense of humor. Women love to be around men who are jolly and can make them laugh. Learn to develop a sense of humor and you will become irresistibly attractive to women. If there are no dull moments with you, she will always want to be with you and laugh with you.
There are a lot of ways to develop an irresistible personality and anyone can be attractive. To know the details or the step-by-step strategy to attract women, visit Irresistible To Women
Good posture. A man who stands tall with good posture is an attractive man. Do not slouch but always stand or sit properly. A good posture can make you look confident and it can add to your charisma. Women admire men who are confident. So to become irresistibly attractive to women, always practice good posture.
Be healthy. Men are usually regarded as physically stronger and healthier than women because of their big built and frame. If you are too thin and unhealthy, it will be hard for you to attract the woman of your dreams. To become irresistibly attractive to women, you have to be healthy. Eat a well balanced diet, exercise and take enough rest.
Good grooming. You have to be presentable to become irresistibly attractive to women. Practice good hygiene. Clean nails, hair and skin are important to look good. It is also important to smell good. Shower daily, wear deodorant and not so strong perfume. Choose the right clothes and learn to carry yourself well.
Get rid of bad habits. Although not all women hate smoking and drinking, most women are not attracted to men who have bad habits. Those bad habits may turn women off. It may be okay to drink or smoke occasionally but if it becomes a habit, it may not be helpful if you want to be irresistibly attractive to women.
Be comfortable with who you are. It is important to be comfortable with yourself around women. It is so hard to pretend to be someone you are not and it is easier to just be yourself. Women will feel at ease and comfortable if you are also comfortable with yourself.
Sense of humor. Women love to be around men who are jolly and can make them laugh. Learn to develop a sense of humor and you will become irresistibly attractive to women. If there are no dull moments with you, she will always want to be with you and laugh with you.
There are a lot of ways to develop an irresistible personality and anyone can be attractive. To know the details or the step-by-step strategy to attract women, visit Irresistible To Women
Tips to Become Attractive to Women
Do you want to get the girl of your dreams? If you are serious about
getting the woman of your dreams, then you need to learn how to become attractive to women
to get noticed and achieve your goal. If you think that only good
looking and wealthy guys are attractive, think again because not all
women fall for good looking wealthy guys.
Maybe until now you are not having the success yo want with women and clueless how to become attractive to women. Attraction is something that can be learned and you can become attractive to women if you know how.
The first thing that you should do is to stop believing that women are only attracted to good looking rich men. If that is true then why there are poor and average looking men who go home with the girl? Why there are men who are not good looking and yet they have the charisma for attracting women? Keep in mind that not all women fall for good looking rich men. It is easier to become attractive to women if you forget those negative beliefs about women.
Be confident. Every man should have self confidence to become attractive to women. A confident man who knows his worth is a very attractive man. For men who are not too confident with themselves and who do not know what their worth is, developing self confidence could be hard. One good way to develop confidence is to believe and act as if you are a confident man and in time you will notice that you are getting used to it and developing true self confidence.
Take care of your looks. Good grooming is important to be presentable. Getting a haircut that fits you, wearing clothes that looks good on you and good hygiene are important if you want to get noticed and become attractive to women. Grooming doesn’t have to be expensive, just spend what you can afford. You will become attractive to women if you are neat and know how to groom yourself.
Know the art of flirting. It is important that you know how to act around women. Flirting doesn’t have to be vulgar because you can flirt in a subtle way. Knowing the subtle way of flirting will help you make a connection with women.
Learning to become attractive to women could be really challenging but there are countless ways to make women desire you. If you want to discover the step-by-step techniques on how to meet and attract the kind of woman you’ve always wanted visit Become An Alpha Male
Maybe until now you are not having the success yo want with women and clueless how to become attractive to women. Attraction is something that can be learned and you can become attractive to women if you know how.
The first thing that you should do is to stop believing that women are only attracted to good looking rich men. If that is true then why there are poor and average looking men who go home with the girl? Why there are men who are not good looking and yet they have the charisma for attracting women? Keep in mind that not all women fall for good looking rich men. It is easier to become attractive to women if you forget those negative beliefs about women.
Be confident. Every man should have self confidence to become attractive to women. A confident man who knows his worth is a very attractive man. For men who are not too confident with themselves and who do not know what their worth is, developing self confidence could be hard. One good way to develop confidence is to believe and act as if you are a confident man and in time you will notice that you are getting used to it and developing true self confidence.
Take care of your looks. Good grooming is important to be presentable. Getting a haircut that fits you, wearing clothes that looks good on you and good hygiene are important if you want to get noticed and become attractive to women. Grooming doesn’t have to be expensive, just spend what you can afford. You will become attractive to women if you are neat and know how to groom yourself.
Know the art of flirting. It is important that you know how to act around women. Flirting doesn’t have to be vulgar because you can flirt in a subtle way. Knowing the subtle way of flirting will help you make a connection with women.
Learning to become attractive to women could be really challenging but there are countless ways to make women desire you. If you want to discover the step-by-step techniques on how to meet and attract the kind of woman you’ve always wanted visit Become An Alpha Male
3 Things You Should Know to Become an Attractive Guy
So many guys want to meet, date and have a romantic relationship with
their dream girl but they often failed. Because of these dating
failures, most guys end up dating women they do not like because they
believe they are not attractive enough to get noticed by that perfect
woman they are dreaming of. The truth is, any man can become an attractive guy and deserve a better dating life if you will just put some effort to improve yourself and change your mindset.
You cannot expect to attract the woman of your dreams without offering the qualities that most women are looking for in a man. If you want to succeed in meeting and dating a smart, confident, beautiful and physically fit woman, then you have to offer what she is looking for in a man. Your success in the dating arena depends on the effort you will put to become an attractive guy and get the relationship you’ve always wanted.
Meeting and dating women need some skills, knowledge and action to reach your goal and be successful. Here are some tips to become an attractive guy:
Change your mind set. Most men who experienced successive failures in dating became insecure and doubt their self-worth. You created a belief that only rich, young and good looking men are entitled to get the woman of their dreams. If that is the case, then why there are men who are not rich and good looking and yet they go home with the girl? You have to realize that you maybe failing because you keep doing the same things or you are not doing the right things. Success in the dating game needs the right techniques and you have to know what women really want. You can also become an attractive guy and go home with the girl.
Increase your value. This is one of the most important things that you should know. You have to improve yourself and increase your value to become an attractive guy and succeed in attracting that special woman that you want as a partner. There are a lot of things that you can do to improve yourself in different areas of your life to become an attractive guy. Improve your physical appearance by regular exercises and engaging in sports or physical activities. Go back to school to improve your education and credentials. Read to acquire new knowledge or get aware with what is happening in the world, learn how to cook, learn a new language, visit museums and learn how to play a guitar or any musical instrument you like. There are a lot of things that you can do to make your personality more interesting and intriguing to the opposite sex that will help you become an attractive guy. Increasing your value and improving yourself may take time and a lot of work but the time and effort invested to become an attractive guy will be well worth it.
Seek dating advice. Taking an extra step to get quality dating advice from experts will guide you to do the right things to achieve success in getting the kind of relationship you’ve always wanted. It will help you to improve your skills in the dating arena and avoid the usual mistakes that some people keeps repeating that blew their chances of finding true love.
To get more advice on how to become an attractive guy and be successful in dating the woman of your dreams visit Become An Alpha Male
You cannot expect to attract the woman of your dreams without offering the qualities that most women are looking for in a man. If you want to succeed in meeting and dating a smart, confident, beautiful and physically fit woman, then you have to offer what she is looking for in a man. Your success in the dating arena depends on the effort you will put to become an attractive guy and get the relationship you’ve always wanted.
Meeting and dating women need some skills, knowledge and action to reach your goal and be successful. Here are some tips to become an attractive guy:
Change your mind set. Most men who experienced successive failures in dating became insecure and doubt their self-worth. You created a belief that only rich, young and good looking men are entitled to get the woman of their dreams. If that is the case, then why there are men who are not rich and good looking and yet they go home with the girl? You have to realize that you maybe failing because you keep doing the same things or you are not doing the right things. Success in the dating game needs the right techniques and you have to know what women really want. You can also become an attractive guy and go home with the girl.
Increase your value. This is one of the most important things that you should know. You have to improve yourself and increase your value to become an attractive guy and succeed in attracting that special woman that you want as a partner. There are a lot of things that you can do to improve yourself in different areas of your life to become an attractive guy. Improve your physical appearance by regular exercises and engaging in sports or physical activities. Go back to school to improve your education and credentials. Read to acquire new knowledge or get aware with what is happening in the world, learn how to cook, learn a new language, visit museums and learn how to play a guitar or any musical instrument you like. There are a lot of things that you can do to make your personality more interesting and intriguing to the opposite sex that will help you become an attractive guy. Increasing your value and improving yourself may take time and a lot of work but the time and effort invested to become an attractive guy will be well worth it.
Seek dating advice. Taking an extra step to get quality dating advice from experts will guide you to do the right things to achieve success in getting the kind of relationship you’ve always wanted. It will help you to improve your skills in the dating arena and avoid the usual mistakes that some people keeps repeating that blew their chances of finding true love.
To get more advice on how to become an attractive guy and be successful in dating the woman of your dreams visit Become An Alpha Male
Know the Signs that She is Interested
Men are sometimes playing safe especially if they have been rejected
many times and too careful to fall again. Most of the time, men are
looking for signs that she is interested
before making a decision to pursue her. There are usually undeniable
signs to know if the girl is really interested and you should know how
to recognize those signs.
Women have different ways of showing interest. Of course it is very obvious that the woman is interested if she is brave enough to tell you directly that she likes you. But some women are very shy to be frank and just give subtle signs that she is interested.
Sometimes it is very hard and confusing to read or figure out women. Sometimes you missed the hints or signs that she is interested and lose the chance of being with her. But women are also left frustrated if you failed to recognize those signs because they feel rejected. To avoid these things you must know the signs that she is interested and here are some tips:
She smiles. While smile is the universal language of friendliness, you will notice that she smiles at you to draw your attention to her. It is like you are the only person in the room and her smile is all yours. If a woman is showing this gesture, this is one of the signs that she is interested and flirting with you. A good gesture from you is to smile back at her.
She is trying to connect with you through eye contact. You will notice that she want to establish an eye contact with you or you caught her staring at you several times. If you will try to look her in the eyes, she will take this opportunity to look back at you and lock the eye contact for a few seconds to create a non-verbal connection with you.
She appears on her best. She makes an effort to look on her best when you are around. She appears well groomed and dresses well for you. She tries new hairstyles and put some make up to look more beautiful and to be noticeable by you.
She giggles and laughs with you. Notice how she responds to your jokes. You may notice she laughs even on your unfunny jokes and tries her best for you not to feel awkward. If you tease her she giggles and teases you back. She is very lively, energetic and happy when you are around. This is one of the signs that she is interested.
She asks about your personal life and wants to hang around with you. This is one of the signs that she is interested in you. She wants to know about your life like your hobbies, family, friends and other important details about you. You will also notice that she remembers almost everything you told her about you. She is nice to you and your friends. She treats you so nice and she likes hanging around with you and your friends. She makes an effort to get along with your friends.
Those are some of the signs that she is interested in you. But if she is not into you, do not lose hope because attraction is something that can be learned and created. You can build a lasting relationship with the woman of your dreams. Discover the step by step techniques on how to create attraction and a lasting relationship with the woman you’ve always wanted visit How To Be Irresistible To Women.
Women have different ways of showing interest. Of course it is very obvious that the woman is interested if she is brave enough to tell you directly that she likes you. But some women are very shy to be frank and just give subtle signs that she is interested.
Sometimes it is very hard and confusing to read or figure out women. Sometimes you missed the hints or signs that she is interested and lose the chance of being with her. But women are also left frustrated if you failed to recognize those signs because they feel rejected. To avoid these things you must know the signs that she is interested and here are some tips:
She smiles. While smile is the universal language of friendliness, you will notice that she smiles at you to draw your attention to her. It is like you are the only person in the room and her smile is all yours. If a woman is showing this gesture, this is one of the signs that she is interested and flirting with you. A good gesture from you is to smile back at her.
She is trying to connect with you through eye contact. You will notice that she want to establish an eye contact with you or you caught her staring at you several times. If you will try to look her in the eyes, she will take this opportunity to look back at you and lock the eye contact for a few seconds to create a non-verbal connection with you.
She appears on her best. She makes an effort to look on her best when you are around. She appears well groomed and dresses well for you. She tries new hairstyles and put some make up to look more beautiful and to be noticeable by you.
She giggles and laughs with you. Notice how she responds to your jokes. You may notice she laughs even on your unfunny jokes and tries her best for you not to feel awkward. If you tease her she giggles and teases you back. She is very lively, energetic and happy when you are around. This is one of the signs that she is interested.
She asks about your personal life and wants to hang around with you. This is one of the signs that she is interested in you. She wants to know about your life like your hobbies, family, friends and other important details about you. You will also notice that she remembers almost everything you told her about you. She is nice to you and your friends. She treats you so nice and she likes hanging around with you and your friends. She makes an effort to get along with your friends.
Those are some of the signs that she is interested in you. But if she is not into you, do not lose hope because attraction is something that can be learned and created. You can build a lasting relationship with the woman of your dreams. Discover the step by step techniques on how to create attraction and a lasting relationship with the woman you’ve always wanted visit How To Be Irresistible To Women.
Undeniable Signs That She is Into You – Things Men Should Know
If you want to pursue someone but too careful not to fall and get rejected, then knowing the signs that she is into you
might help. Men are sometimes on guard to avoid rejection and
heartaches that is why some men need to know his chances before pursuing
the girl.
Reading and figuring out women could be really difficult if you do not know how and here are some signs that she is into you.
She listens and remembers everything. One of the signs that she is into you is that she listens to you. She is interested on what you are saying and remembers everything you told her. She even remembers your birthday and the things that matters to you like your hobbies, interest, etc.
She establishes eye contact with you. You will notice that she wants to connect with you through your eyes to let you know that she is interested. The eyes speak a thousand words and the most important non-verbal communication when it comes to expressing feelings. Her eyes will always reveal her interest in you and one of the signs that she is into you.
She laughs with you. You will notice that she is into you because you brighten up her day whenever you are around to make her laugh and you never get disappointed because she buys even your unfunny jokes. She likes to share a laugh with you.
She is self conscious or nervous when you are around. Although being nervous is not a very good trait, you will notice that she is fidgeting and afraid to do things that will turn you off. She is nervous not to please you or not to do the right things when you are around.
There are always clues and signs that she is into you and you should know how to recognize those signs and how to respond to it. But if the girl you want to pursue is not yet into you, do not get desperate because attraction is an art that can be learned. Discover the step-by-step secrets on how to attract women and create a lasting relationship with the kind of woman you’ve always wanted. To find out how visit Become a Woman Magnet
Reading and figuring out women could be really difficult if you do not know how and here are some signs that she is into you.
She listens and remembers everything. One of the signs that she is into you is that she listens to you. She is interested on what you are saying and remembers everything you told her. She even remembers your birthday and the things that matters to you like your hobbies, interest, etc.
She establishes eye contact with you. You will notice that she wants to connect with you through your eyes to let you know that she is interested. The eyes speak a thousand words and the most important non-verbal communication when it comes to expressing feelings. Her eyes will always reveal her interest in you and one of the signs that she is into you.
She laughs with you. You will notice that she is into you because you brighten up her day whenever you are around to make her laugh and you never get disappointed because she buys even your unfunny jokes. She likes to share a laugh with you.
She is self conscious or nervous when you are around. Although being nervous is not a very good trait, you will notice that she is fidgeting and afraid to do things that will turn you off. She is nervous not to please you or not to do the right things when you are around.
There are always clues and signs that she is into you and you should know how to recognize those signs and how to respond to it. But if the girl you want to pursue is not yet into you, do not get desperate because attraction is an art that can be learned. Discover the step-by-step secrets on how to attract women and create a lasting relationship with the kind of woman you’ve always wanted. To find out how visit Become a Woman Magnet
How to Know if a Girl Loves You- Signs that She is Into You
Men sometimes want some signs before pursuing a woman, maybe because
some men are afraid to face another rejection and too careful to love
again. They want to know their chances before letting themselves fall
again. Are you puzzled and wondering if the girl you like is into you?
There are usually tell tale signs to know if a girl loves you.
A woman’s behavior will tell you if she is into you. If you know how to read those signs, you will know if a girl loves you. Women are sometimes hard to read or predict but if you know what to look for on her behavior, it will give you clues whether she loves you or not.
Here are some of the signs to know if a girl loves you:
She invites you on special events at work and even on family occasions. She wants you to see her life and meet the important people in her life. It is important to her that you come or accepted her invitation and she will feel disappointed if you cannot make it.
She knows your birthday and other things important to you. She never fails to greet you on your birthday. She remembers the important events in your life and she even knows your hobbies and interest. You will know if a girl loves you if she put importance on what you do and the things that matters to you.
She likes to hang around with you. You will notice that she includes you on the things that she wants to do or she hangs around with you doing the things you love to do. She loves to spend more time with you.
She loves talking to you. She loves to talk to you about everything. In parties or gatherings, she stays to talk to you even if everyone has already left. You know if a girl loves you if she wants to be close to you.
She worries for you. You will notice if a girl loves you if she is worried when you get hurt or when you have problems. She wants to be there for you when you need her. A woman always care and worry for the safety of the man she loves.
She is jealous. It is noticeable that her attitude is affected when you are around other women. Jealousy is a hint that she is afraid of losing you and that you are important to her. Of course too much jealousy is not good, but a dose of jealousy is a clue to know if a girl loves you.
You will always see the difference on the way she treats you compared to her treatment to other people in her life. You will see clues and signs to know if a girl loves you. But if the girl of your dreams is not into you, do not lose hope because attraction can be learned and you can make a woman want you. Discover how to be irresistible to women and get a fulfilling relationship with the kind of woman you’ve always dreamed of visit Make Women Want You
A woman’s behavior will tell you if she is into you. If you know how to read those signs, you will know if a girl loves you. Women are sometimes hard to read or predict but if you know what to look for on her behavior, it will give you clues whether she loves you or not.
Here are some of the signs to know if a girl loves you:
She invites you on special events at work and even on family occasions. She wants you to see her life and meet the important people in her life. It is important to her that you come or accepted her invitation and she will feel disappointed if you cannot make it.
She knows your birthday and other things important to you. She never fails to greet you on your birthday. She remembers the important events in your life and she even knows your hobbies and interest. You will know if a girl loves you if she put importance on what you do and the things that matters to you.
She likes to hang around with you. You will notice that she includes you on the things that she wants to do or she hangs around with you doing the things you love to do. She loves to spend more time with you.
She loves talking to you. She loves to talk to you about everything. In parties or gatherings, she stays to talk to you even if everyone has already left. You know if a girl loves you if she wants to be close to you.
She worries for you. You will notice if a girl loves you if she is worried when you get hurt or when you have problems. She wants to be there for you when you need her. A woman always care and worry for the safety of the man she loves.
She is jealous. It is noticeable that her attitude is affected when you are around other women. Jealousy is a hint that she is afraid of losing you and that you are important to her. Of course too much jealousy is not good, but a dose of jealousy is a clue to know if a girl loves you.
You will always see the difference on the way she treats you compared to her treatment to other people in her life. You will see clues and signs to know if a girl loves you. But if the girl of your dreams is not into you, do not lose hope because attraction can be learned and you can make a woman want you. Discover how to be irresistible to women and get a fulfilling relationship with the kind of woman you’ve always dreamed of visit Make Women Want You
Tell Tale Signs That She Likes You
Men are often puzzled about women and sometimes think that women are
unpredictable. It would be really exciting if you know how to read
women. It would be easier to deal with women if you know what is going
on their minds. Did you know that it is not impossible to know if you
are the apple of her eyes? There are tell tale signs that she likes you, and you have to recognize those signs to know if she is really attracted to you.
Here are some of the signs that she likes you:
Her laughter is yours. One of the signs that she likes you is that she laughs on your jokes. She finds you interesting and full of life. Surprisingly, she even laughs on your unfunny jokes. She do not want you to appear uncomfortable with your unfunny jokes, so she makes an effort to still laugh even if it is not funny and save you from an awkward situation.
Her ears are all yours. She always has the time to listen to you. If you are in a group or gatherings and all the people left, she is willing to stay if you want a company and someone to listen. She listens attentively and gives you an assurance that she is just there for you.
Her mind is yours. She remembers everything you told her even those little things that you cannot remember that you told her. She even remembered the words you told her years ago or the first time you met her.
Her interest is yours. One of the signs that she likes you is that she is interested to know everything about you and ask a lot of questions about you. She may even hang around with people who know you especially your friends. She will show interest in the things that you love to do. Do not get surprised if she also gets into the sports clubs or other hobbies you have.
Her body language. Her body languages are also signs that she likes you. If she makes an effort to establish an eye contact with you, smile and plays with her hair while gazing at you, congratulations dude this is your hint that she likes you.
Those are some of the tell tale signs that she likes you. But did you know that attraction is something that can be learned? Even if you do not see signs that she likes you, you can create attraction with the person you’ve always wanted if you know how. Discover the step by step techniques on how to create attraction and a lasting relationship with the woman you’ve always wanted visit Make Women Want You
Here are some of the signs that she likes you:
Her laughter is yours. One of the signs that she likes you is that she laughs on your jokes. She finds you interesting and full of life. Surprisingly, she even laughs on your unfunny jokes. She do not want you to appear uncomfortable with your unfunny jokes, so she makes an effort to still laugh even if it is not funny and save you from an awkward situation.
Her ears are all yours. She always has the time to listen to you. If you are in a group or gatherings and all the people left, she is willing to stay if you want a company and someone to listen. She listens attentively and gives you an assurance that she is just there for you.
Her mind is yours. She remembers everything you told her even those little things that you cannot remember that you told her. She even remembered the words you told her years ago or the first time you met her.
Her interest is yours. One of the signs that she likes you is that she is interested to know everything about you and ask a lot of questions about you. She may even hang around with people who know you especially your friends. She will show interest in the things that you love to do. Do not get surprised if she also gets into the sports clubs or other hobbies you have.
Her body language. Her body languages are also signs that she likes you. If she makes an effort to establish an eye contact with you, smile and plays with her hair while gazing at you, congratulations dude this is your hint that she likes you.
Those are some of the tell tale signs that she likes you. But did you know that attraction is something that can be learned? Even if you do not see signs that she likes you, you can create attraction with the person you’ve always wanted if you know how. Discover the step by step techniques on how to create attraction and a lasting relationship with the woman you’ve always wanted visit Make Women Want You
How to Make Women Desire You
Are you wondering why some men seem to attract women like magnet?
They know how to attract and act around women that they become the
object of women’s fantasies. If you think good looking guys are always
ahead and average looking guys are just left behind in attracting women,
you are missing the point. Why do you think there are average looking
guys who are very successful in the dating scene? If you know how to make women desire you, then you will be one of those successful men when it comes to dating.
There are techniques to make women desire you, attracting women is a skill that any man can learn. You do not have to stay frustrated in getting the woman you desire if you know how to attract women.
Here are some tips to make women desire you:
Love and accept yourself. To make women desire you, you must accept and love yourself first. If you are comfortable with yourself including your flaws, it is easier to share yourself to others. You have to accept who you really are, see your best qualities and work on that. If you have bitterness it will be difficult to be desirable because you will tend to be unhappy and full of resentment. Most people do not want to be with someone who is insecure and full or resentment.
Good grooming. Being handsome is not about good looking face and well built body. What is a good looking face if you do not know how to groom and take care of yourself? Even average looking guys could appear handsome with the right haircut, good clothes, clean face, and an inviting fragrance. Women love men who are neat and know how to handle themselves.
Good sense of humor. If you can make any woman laugh, she will never forget you. Women are worrier and it is a good feeling when someone can make them laugh. If you have that sense of humor to take away all the worries of women for a while and make them laugh, your sense of humor will make women desire you.
Chivalry. Maybe you think chivalry is dead, but to make women desire you, you have to show courtesy and be a perfect gentleman. Women love to be treated like a princess and treating her like a true lady is something very touching for her. Pulling a chair for her and give her assistance when going in and out of the car are some of the small things that will make her feel special.
There are countless ways to make women desire you. If you still find it hard to get the attention of the woman you´ve always wanted, there are more techniques that you need to know. Do you want to discover the step by step secrets of attracting and creating a lasting relationship with the woman of your dreams? Visit Become a Woman Magnet
There are techniques to make women desire you, attracting women is a skill that any man can learn. You do not have to stay frustrated in getting the woman you desire if you know how to attract women.
Here are some tips to make women desire you:
Love and accept yourself. To make women desire you, you must accept and love yourself first. If you are comfortable with yourself including your flaws, it is easier to share yourself to others. You have to accept who you really are, see your best qualities and work on that. If you have bitterness it will be difficult to be desirable because you will tend to be unhappy and full of resentment. Most people do not want to be with someone who is insecure and full or resentment.
Good grooming. Being handsome is not about good looking face and well built body. What is a good looking face if you do not know how to groom and take care of yourself? Even average looking guys could appear handsome with the right haircut, good clothes, clean face, and an inviting fragrance. Women love men who are neat and know how to handle themselves.
Good sense of humor. If you can make any woman laugh, she will never forget you. Women are worrier and it is a good feeling when someone can make them laugh. If you have that sense of humor to take away all the worries of women for a while and make them laugh, your sense of humor will make women desire you.
Chivalry. Maybe you think chivalry is dead, but to make women desire you, you have to show courtesy and be a perfect gentleman. Women love to be treated like a princess and treating her like a true lady is something very touching for her. Pulling a chair for her and give her assistance when going in and out of the car are some of the small things that will make her feel special.
There are countless ways to make women desire you. If you still find it hard to get the attention of the woman you´ve always wanted, there are more techniques that you need to know. Do you want to discover the step by step secrets of attracting and creating a lasting relationship with the woman of your dreams? Visit Become a Woman Magnet
Secrets in Meeting Gorgeous Women
Some men think that they have to be exceptionally good looking to be successful in meeting gorgeous women.
But the truth is, there are average looking men who are successful in
the dating scene and goes home with the girl. Those men know the secrets
in approaching and attracting women.
Attraction is an art and it is not an inborn quality, it can be learned and anyone can be attractive if they want to. In meeting gorgeous women, it doesn´t mean that only good looking men have the chance to get the girl and average looking guys are left behind without any chance. If you do not know how to approach and make a connection with women, even good looking men will have a hard time to be successful in the dating scene.
Here are some tips in meeting gorgeous women:
Know where these gorgeous women are. Of course, to be successful in meeting gorgeous women, you have to know the best places where these women are hiding. Singles bar is a common place where these women hang out but if you want the marrying type you won´t probably find her there. Do not limit yourself on bars or social gatherings in meeting gorgeous women; there are other places that women loves hanging around like museums, church, sports club, community charity work and in the bookstores. A female friend of mine was in a bookstore reading books about financial freedom and suddenly a guy approached him talking about the book, my friend was impressed and they end up dating but surprisingly the guy is not as handsome as the other guys that she used to date but she was smitten.
Learn to make women laugh. If you asked women what are the qualities of a guy they love, they will probably give you a long list. But their list have one thing in common, they always include that they love men with sense of humor who can make them laugh. If you know how to make women laugh, you have the power to magnetize women and it will not be difficult to for you to be successful in meeting gorgeous women. Most people, especially women, want to be around a cheerful and happy person.
Know how to use body language. Eye contact and your smile are some of the most powerful body languages that you can use in meeting gorgeous women. Establishing an eye contact with a woman and locking it for a few seconds followed by a smile, will create a connection and hint that you want to know her. If you are shy, you have to find the confidence to do it. You might fail, but remember that you might also succeed. It is a 50/50 chance and it takes practice. Once you have mastered it, success with women is within your rich.
Have a personality that attracts women. To have a great personality in meeting gorgeous women, you have to love and accept yourself. It is easier to attract women, if you have no insecurities and comfortable with yourself even with your flaws. People with positive outlook attracts people especially women.
Meeting gorgeous women is not that difficult if you know how. Do you want to discover the step by step secrets of meeting and attracting the woman of your dreams and create a lasting relationship? Visit Make Women Want You
Attraction is an art and it is not an inborn quality, it can be learned and anyone can be attractive if they want to. In meeting gorgeous women, it doesn´t mean that only good looking men have the chance to get the girl and average looking guys are left behind without any chance. If you do not know how to approach and make a connection with women, even good looking men will have a hard time to be successful in the dating scene.
Here are some tips in meeting gorgeous women:
Know where these gorgeous women are. Of course, to be successful in meeting gorgeous women, you have to know the best places where these women are hiding. Singles bar is a common place where these women hang out but if you want the marrying type you won´t probably find her there. Do not limit yourself on bars or social gatherings in meeting gorgeous women; there are other places that women loves hanging around like museums, church, sports club, community charity work and in the bookstores. A female friend of mine was in a bookstore reading books about financial freedom and suddenly a guy approached him talking about the book, my friend was impressed and they end up dating but surprisingly the guy is not as handsome as the other guys that she used to date but she was smitten.
Learn to make women laugh. If you asked women what are the qualities of a guy they love, they will probably give you a long list. But their list have one thing in common, they always include that they love men with sense of humor who can make them laugh. If you know how to make women laugh, you have the power to magnetize women and it will not be difficult to for you to be successful in meeting gorgeous women. Most people, especially women, want to be around a cheerful and happy person.
Know how to use body language. Eye contact and your smile are some of the most powerful body languages that you can use in meeting gorgeous women. Establishing an eye contact with a woman and locking it for a few seconds followed by a smile, will create a connection and hint that you want to know her. If you are shy, you have to find the confidence to do it. You might fail, but remember that you might also succeed. It is a 50/50 chance and it takes practice. Once you have mastered it, success with women is within your rich.
Have a personality that attracts women. To have a great personality in meeting gorgeous women, you have to love and accept yourself. It is easier to attract women, if you have no insecurities and comfortable with yourself even with your flaws. People with positive outlook attracts people especially women.
Meeting gorgeous women is not that difficult if you know how. Do you want to discover the step by step secrets of meeting and attracting the woman of your dreams and create a lasting relationship? Visit Make Women Want You
Success in Dating a Younger Woman
Older men want younger women for a lot of reasons. Maybe they feel
younger when they are with younger women who are more energetic, happy,
lively, has less experience and emotional baggage in life. Whatever the
reasons for wanting a younger woman, they want to achieve success in dating a younger woman to be able to attract and know her better.
The good news is that most young women are attracted to older men. Maybe because older men are more stable, established and sure of what they really want. The bad news is that there are also a lot of men out there like you who wants to attract younger women. Now, do you feel and sense the competition? Do you feel you need to be ahead or stand out from the rest to succeed in dating a younger woman and finally attract her?
If you are an older guy who wants a younger woman, of course you want success in dating a younger woman. Most women are attracted to older men, and there are a lot of older men out there and why would she be attracted to you? You maybe an experienced man when it comes to dating but success in dating a younger woman could be a real challenge if you do not know how. Of course you want to attract her and you want to be taken seriously and do not want to be regarded as just another dirty old man who wants to get a younger woman.
Here are some tips to be successful in dating a younger woman:
Give her your full time and attention if you want success in dating a younger woman. Younger women sometimes look for older men because they love the undivided attention that older men can give. Younger woman have an idea that older men are mature and are not just playing around, unlike men their age or younger men who cannot focus on just one woman and often distracted when another woman walks in a restaurant where they are having dinner or suppose to be spending romantic moments.
Do not get too serious to the point that it will get her bored or scared. Try to break the ice with some funny jokes and learn how to make a woman laugh. Remember that she is a young woman and she needs a good laugh. Take things lightly, have fun and do not behave like an old guy that she would feel intimidated and inexperienced.
To achieve success in dating a younger woman, treat her as a lady you are dating and not like a daughter. Do not act like a “daddy” and treat her like someone who cannot stand on her own. Give her the right for her own opinion during conversations. Let her know that you value her thoughts and her individuality.
Do not make unnecessary advances. Some older guys think that younger women who go out with older men want their pants off. Do not act like a dirty old man and make unnecessary moves and advances that may scare her away. If you want to flirt with her, let her be the first one to pursue you.
In dating a younger woman, there are countless ways to impress and attract her. Do you find it hard to attract the woman you’ve always wanted? Do you want to discover how to magnetize women even if you think you not attractive? Visit GuyGetsGirl
The good news is that most young women are attracted to older men. Maybe because older men are more stable, established and sure of what they really want. The bad news is that there are also a lot of men out there like you who wants to attract younger women. Now, do you feel and sense the competition? Do you feel you need to be ahead or stand out from the rest to succeed in dating a younger woman and finally attract her?
If you are an older guy who wants a younger woman, of course you want success in dating a younger woman. Most women are attracted to older men, and there are a lot of older men out there and why would she be attracted to you? You maybe an experienced man when it comes to dating but success in dating a younger woman could be a real challenge if you do not know how. Of course you want to attract her and you want to be taken seriously and do not want to be regarded as just another dirty old man who wants to get a younger woman.
Here are some tips to be successful in dating a younger woman:
Give her your full time and attention if you want success in dating a younger woman. Younger women sometimes look for older men because they love the undivided attention that older men can give. Younger woman have an idea that older men are mature and are not just playing around, unlike men their age or younger men who cannot focus on just one woman and often distracted when another woman walks in a restaurant where they are having dinner or suppose to be spending romantic moments.
Do not get too serious to the point that it will get her bored or scared. Try to break the ice with some funny jokes and learn how to make a woman laugh. Remember that she is a young woman and she needs a good laugh. Take things lightly, have fun and do not behave like an old guy that she would feel intimidated and inexperienced.
To achieve success in dating a younger woman, treat her as a lady you are dating and not like a daughter. Do not act like a “daddy” and treat her like someone who cannot stand on her own. Give her the right for her own opinion during conversations. Let her know that you value her thoughts and her individuality.
Do not make unnecessary advances. Some older guys think that younger women who go out with older men want their pants off. Do not act like a dirty old man and make unnecessary moves and advances that may scare her away. If you want to flirt with her, let her be the first one to pursue you.
In dating a younger woman, there are countless ways to impress and attract her. Do you find it hard to attract the woman you’ve always wanted? Do you want to discover how to magnetize women even if you think you not attractive? Visit GuyGetsGirl
The Secrets to Attracting Younger Women
There are reasons why there are men who are drawn to younger women
and why most women are attracted to older men. Maybe you are drawn to
younger women because you find them energetic, full of life and exciting
to be with. Women, especially those who are looking for serious
relationships are drawn to older men because they are mature, stable in
most aspects of their lives and already sure of what they want in life.
Of course if you are exceptionally handsome and rich, attracting younger women is not a problem. But how about those average looking and not so rich guys, will they have the chance for younger women?
Despite the fact that there are plenty of women who are looking for older men, there are still older men who find it hard to jump into the wagon of dating and attracting younger women. Here are some tips to help you attract younger women:
First of all you have to believe in yourself that you are attractive and you are capable of drawing people towards you including younger women. If you doubt yourself that you are not attractive enough, that attracting younger women is impossible to happen to you, then you will surely fail. Remember that attraction is an art, and it is a skill that can be learned by anyone. You already have an advantage because most women are looking for mature and responsible person like you. You just have to put some action and stay on it until you succeed.
Know what you want. Of course if attracting younger women is your goal then you have to look down deep into yourself and ask yourself what qualities of younger women you want. It is easy to meet younger women because there are a lot of young women out there. In order to attract someone, you must have a clear picture in your mind what kind of woman you want to attract and be realistic about it. You cannot dream of a princess who is so perfect that no one could ever meet what you want. Think about what is really important in your life and look for someone who can match your personality.
Know where these younger women are. As already been said, there are plenty of young women out there and the action that you need to do is find them. You cannot find them if you are just sitting there waiting for her to come to you. You have to go out to find that special woman. Attracting younger women includes socializing with them. Know where these girls are. Singles bars, parties, libraries, church, bookstore, museums, etc. Of course you also have to enjoy going into those places because if you are not comfortable with yourself visiting those places, attracting younger women will be hard.
Attracting younger women is not impossible and you can attract the woman you’ve always wanted if you know how. Do you think you are not that rich, not that good looking and not that young to attract women? Find out how to attract women no matter what you look like visit Become Irresistible To Women
Despite the fact that there are plenty of women who are looking for older men, there are still older men who find it hard to jump into the wagon of dating and attracting younger women. Here are some tips to help you attract younger women:
First of all you have to believe in yourself that you are attractive and you are capable of drawing people towards you including younger women. If you doubt yourself that you are not attractive enough, that attracting younger women is impossible to happen to you, then you will surely fail. Remember that attraction is an art, and it is a skill that can be learned by anyone. You already have an advantage because most women are looking for mature and responsible person like you. You just have to put some action and stay on it until you succeed.
Know what you want. Of course if attracting younger women is your goal then you have to look down deep into yourself and ask yourself what qualities of younger women you want. It is easy to meet younger women because there are a lot of young women out there. In order to attract someone, you must have a clear picture in your mind what kind of woman you want to attract and be realistic about it. You cannot dream of a princess who is so perfect that no one could ever meet what you want. Think about what is really important in your life and look for someone who can match your personality.
Know where these younger women are. As already been said, there are plenty of young women out there and the action that you need to do is find them. You cannot find them if you are just sitting there waiting for her to come to you. You have to go out to find that special woman. Attracting younger women includes socializing with them. Know where these girls are. Singles bars, parties, libraries, church, bookstore, museums, etc. Of course you also have to enjoy going into those places because if you are not comfortable with yourself visiting those places, attracting younger women will be hard.
Attracting younger women is not impossible and you can attract the woman you’ve always wanted if you know how. Do you think you are not that rich, not that good looking and not that young to attract women? Find out how to attract women no matter what you look like visit Become Irresistible To Women
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