So you’ve got a girl’s number? Check. You’ve got an interested party
on the other end? Check. You’ve got the wherewithal and ambition to push
the interaction forward to a place where both of you want to go? Check.
So you’re ready to make the first move, put yourself on the line, throw
down for the things that you care about or the developing relationship
that might be happening because you are in contact with this new person.
But you have no idea how to get her to text back.
Like most things, though, you don’t have to fear, because the
internet was built as a compendium, a resource to help people who want
information but don’t quite know how to get to the spot they’re trying
to get to. We at TSB mag are part of that compendium, so this is the
definitive guide as to how to get a girl to text you back.
4 Steps to Get Her to Text You Back
When you’re talking about people texting back, you’re essentially
talking about preventing flaking. Flaking is anything that’d happen in
an interaction to stall the forward momentum, so you want to meet up
with a girl, she’s not showing, you try to initiate a text conversation,
she’s not biting, she avoids talking to you when she sees you out on
the street, is heard cursing your name under her breath. Those type of
thing would all be consider flaking. The very basest form of not flaking
is returning the text messages you send out. Ideally, you’ll be texting
her to continue the interaction, shoot for a meet-up, that kind of
thing, but if she never responds, you’re toast. Here are some easy ways
to cut down on text flaking.
1. When you get her number the first time, have a really, really good interaction.
The funny thing about people is, usually they don’t flake when the
stakes are high and they have something to lose. If you had a really
good first interaction with a woman, then she’s going to want to see you
again. It’s as simple as that. If she wasn’t sure about you, and
decided she wasn’t going to chase you and suddenly, you’re blowing up
her phone – that’s a different matter entirely. So in order to make sure
that you have the easiest time possible getting her to text back, make
sure the first interaction goes seamless. Get her number based off of an
event that the two of you would enjoy going to, make sure that there’s
some unfinished threads in your conversation that you can wrap up later,
and generally pace the interaction into seeing her again.
2. Once you have her number and start texting — end with a question.
Most things that people text girls don’t end in questions. Most things
people text girls don’t always get a reply from the party intended –
oftentimes because they don’t end in a question. The whole point of that
is to build up a mini-compliance ladder so you can start getting more
and more compliance from a person, eventually leading to a meet-up. If
you don’t text a question, you are allowing the interaction to partially
die right away. So don’t do that to yourself. Don’t shoot yourself in
the foot or cut yourself off at the knees even before the interaction
starts. You owe it to yourself not to.
3. Keep the interaction light and flirty.
People are much more inclined to keep a conversation going, via text, in
person, or anywhere, if the tone of it is non-threatening and
contributes to an overall sense of well-being and fun. If you can do
that, even in short bursts like text messages, doing it in person is
going to be much easier for you. So, keep it flirty. You’re much more
likely to respond to someone who brings you good news or fun times, and
women are no different. Don’t go overtly sexual, don’t be bringing up
topics that are hard to comprehend, keep it simple and sweet.
4. Don’t be too needy.
I’ve heard instances of guys blowing up women’s phones to the tune of
over 30 times a day. That’s ridiculous. The easiest way to get a girl to
text you is to appear like you’re already doing better things, and then
they’ll emotionally invest and chase you. It’s an old cliché, but
people generally want things that they can’t have. If you come off too
needy via text, you’re giving her reasons not to respond instead of good
reasons to see you.
And you don’t want to be doing that. Fortunately, people usually
reciprocate, so unless you had an entirely terrible interaction that is
next to not recoverable, you’re solid. That‘s how to get her to text back.