In a lot of the resources available online, you may notice a trend
moving away from getting girlfriends and towards the kind of sex where
you’d meet someone, charm them in the bar, and have sex with them in the
bathroom stall. That is not always a viable option, or even an
attractive one for members of the opposite sex – it purely appeals to a
male fantasy.
Besides, you don’t want to have the type of women who’d have sex in
the bathroom stall as your girlfriend – that’d be the most ridiculous
thing in the world. You can’t make a housewife. So you don’t want the
fast and easy lays, you want the quality ones – you want to get a
girlfriend and you don’t know how to get a girlfriend.
There are some easy ways you can plant the idea in a girl’s head that
you’d be a viable candidate for a future boyfriend, and some things
that you can do to make yourself attractive to someone who’s looking.
And help you find a girlfriend.
Skills that will Help You Get a Girlfriend
1. Aquire boyfriend-type skills.
Guess what? Girls love it when men have the skills to take care of them.
It’s a form of dominance, and also a sign that if she should choose to
have babies with the man, he’ll make sure they don’t wander out a window
or into the woods where they’d be helpless with their baby defensive
skills. It’s a sign that they care about themselves enough to maintain
things and to have ambition – always attractive.
What are boyfriend skills? Anything that’ll help you take care of
someone. Cooking, backrubs, personal fitness, being able to brighten
someone’s day – all of this adds huge amounts of value to you. Not
saying you can’t be valuable if you don’t have those skills, all I’m
saying is that it helps tremendously. Have a sense of fashion – be able
to add something to her life. If you’re not able to do any of that, it’s
going to be greatly detrimental to you.
2. Know what you’re after.
Here’s a simple idea to help you get a girlfriend. A lot of men wander
around in the dating world, completely unaware of what type of woman
they want to attract. They don’t even know what they want, they’ve been
hungry so long – akin to a man that’s put in the desert, then let out,
and he doesn’t care what he eats, as long as it’s something. Anything.
That perfectly describes the dating lives of a lot of men around the
world – they don’t care what they have, as long as it’s something,
anything to stave off the loneliness. A lot of women are the same way.
It’d be much better for them to make a list of the qualities they’re
looking after in a potential suitor instead of wandering around to make a
Sisyphus-like effort pushing someone up their hill of standards. Get
standards. It’s much easier to qualify someone based on them.
3. Future-pace from the first encounter.
This is a pretty advanced technique, but if you’re trolling the TSB
message boards for techniques, chances are that you’re already on your
way to becoming an expert seducer, perhaps the greatest the world has
ever known. So it’s given that you’d want to acquire this type of
Future pacing is talking about the activities you’re going to do in
the future. Simple as that. But, if they’re numerous and exciting
activities in the future, you might be able to make her investment in
you that much greater by sparking her emotions. Pretty simple – talk
about cool stuff you’re going to do together, and that cool stuff will
make her want to see you more.
4. Have your own inside jokes.
Inside jokes can isolate someone in a group situation, but outside of
that situation, recall past emotional investment in a way to draw
someone closer to you. The closer you want to get with someone, the more
inside jokes you should have with them. Even a pet name, or something
to take them out of their headspace and remind them of all the fun times
you’ve had is completely
acceptable. It’s the start of a reciprocating
relationship, and that’s what you want in an ideal situation.
One-sized relationships suck, we’ve all been there and had to deal
with the lion’s share of emotional investment, only to leave scarred and
broken. Don’t start off headed in that direction – start off where
you’re both giving to each other – reciprocating.
5. Make the dates you go on incredibly interesting.
Who do you want to date – someone who has problems being creative, or
someone whom you can’t wait to spend time with again? You want the
second type. So do women. Make sure that you’re being exciting, taking
them on dates to get their emotional investment up and riled, and go
from there. Also? Have the gumption to ask her out. It’ll help get the
ball rolling much easier.
These are some skills you need to build to learn how to get a girlfriend.